Oticon Xceed distortion


I hope getting the iCube II will help find out why your older Phonaks have no distortion.

So I have a question while I wait for the icube. So the 50db, 65db, 80db gain adjustments… if I select lets say under the 500hz frequency, those gain numbers represent the gains at each of those db numbers correct? It’s not a low/mid/high thing, right? Just thinking out loud

Not quite, it’s like this,if you choose 500Hz and under you are changing the gains in all, low,med,and high, but you can choose which one you want to lower by highlighting it using your mouse, the gain handles can be changed independent of each other, remember tho, if you make changes in one gain handle( say lower Hz) it will change in other higher frequencies.
You get a choice by how many dB you want to change from 1dB to 3dB at a time.
You don’t have to wait for the iCube ll to arrive to see what happens like this, just open target software and start a new client add you audiogram and make the required changes, you’ll see for yourself how one gain handle effects others.

I see how the gain affect each other. But I just want to make sure I’m understanding something. So on the oticon genie software the 50db gain is called low. Is low referring to low decibels? Or low frequency gain within the selected frequency?

Then the 80db gain is called loud, is loud referring to 80db being loud, or hi frequency within the selected frequency?

And there is a little +/- room before it alters the frequencies on either side.

Thats what I found on the Phonaks

Yes it’s low sounds, I’m not sure if in Oticon genie low is for 50dB and under, but this doesn’t matter much anyway.

So just remember that gain(volume) and frequencies are 2 different things.

So you can have both loud low frequencies AND loud high frequencies.

It’s loud sounds.

If you bring up the fine tuning graph you can clearly see the frequencies and the loud,med,low, you also have a choice of how many gain handles to select, for you just check the lowest.

I think you need to read up on the user manual for both target and Genie, as it’s all self explanatory in most cases ( the graph I mean)



So is the low/med/loud gains additive then? If the sound is 80db are the 50db gains added to the 65db gain and 80db gain?

No that would be around 200 dB of gain then!

It shows that the MPO max gain on your right is 133 dB.




20 characters!

I was just making sure, when I add all the gains up some of them could be at or above the MPO, but I didn’t think it was additive. Just trying to get a handle on why they’d be distorting it all. I’m well below the MPO so not really sure how the distortion is occurring. I’m understanding the gains within each frequency, it’s as I thought but was starting to wonder if there was something maybe I didn’t see but I’m seeing it correctly. I’ll just keep playing with these and if it doesn’t work out I guess I’ll just cut my losses and go buy another pair of phonaks and see if I can’t duplicate what my old aids have. This was a fear of mine getting the oticons but the every Audi I have seen assured me they could not use the data from old phonaks for a new pair but I was clearly lied to and it was laziness on their part obviously.

You can export the settings from Target. I’ve done that but I’ve only ever then imported back into Target. That’s great that you’ll be able to import the setting into Genie.

Yes I see that I can export to another phonak device. This would have made my life easier, I don’t know why no one would do that for me. I’d think it would be an easier sell. I’m just confused, annoyed, frustrated. I have seen so many Audis and I have to break up with them all. At this point I have to self advocate because they certainly aren’t any help. I really am at a loss for words here. The oticon wont even all me to simulate settings comparable to the phonaks, I tried last night and within the formulas, using a comfort setting I cannot even get close to what phonak calls calm. The MPO’s and gains won’t work. I think I should just go back to Costco and get the Brio 5’s and import those settings from my old Nadia’s.

Since Costco refused to do it for me, as well as any other Audi


I know it means spending more money but you could self program the Brio 5 as well as they are unlocked.

It is sad that no one has agreed to transfer settings as it seems really silly because it would actually mean less work for them.

I know our hearing loss is different but I also tried the Oticon Xceed and couldn’t get on with them.

They sound great, but the distortion won’t budge. I’m running them real low today and they are still distorting. Only thing I can think of is maybe try applying some noise reduction, but then I’ll have to deal with the clipping which is probably more annoying. I’m not sure. The wind management is amazing. The quality of spatial recognition is amazing. I really want to love them but they won’t let me

Well if could be in just one certain frequency, without actually checking with probe microphone (REM) I mean something is definitely out, you don’t have this issue with your Phonak models.

Sure, you could do that, could well be the easiest way around this, if your not getting the help/solutions from any of the clinics you’ve been to is unfortunate.

To another set of Phonak yes, but not to the Oticon, unless they were going to manually copy, but even then they still wouldn’t be exactly the same.

Nothing wrong with DIY, staring from scratch with your familiar band (Phonak) could be your solution, there’s plenty of people from right here on hearingtracker to help you along the way, Phonak target software is really easy to use.

Something is definitely out, some kind of processing is going on, is this both HAs?

Yeah such a pity, obviously a audiologist trained in Oticon products would know how to sort…but anyway time to move on to your next models/journey.


I went to the Audi this morning and said these origins aren’t working out. He kept trying to commit me to them. Finally I just said I want phonaks, I will leave the oticons here and you can order phonaks or I will go somewhere else and order them. Then his time changed. Now he wants to try resounds, Unitrons and phonaks. I said look, I just want phonaks please. He said give him a week, so we’ll see. I’m relieved he’ll return the oticons. But annoyed my money is locked in with him. This has been the annoyance and a fear of mine every time I’ve shopped for hearing aids. Everything is great until the sale is made then is just a mess afterward.

Good on you, stand your ground, it’s your money = your choice.

Well your not the first to have this happen, give your audiologist another chance on the Phonak models, hopefully all will be good, if not you’ll need to find another clinic.

I’ve visited all the clinics in the area. They all go the same. Eager to sell, make the sale, then don’t want to accommodate me after the sale. I’ve been told I’m crazy, I’ve been told I’m the problem, I’ve been told deal with it, I’ve been told it is what it is.

Furthermore, no two audiograms I have are similar. It’s really discouraging. At this point I feel like I should buy a REM machine too and just figure it out myself. What’s even more bothersome is waiting months at a time just to get adjustments made after the fact. And this guys molds are weird so I have to go to another Audi to get the mold I want. I called the guy and I’m like hey, I don’t want to get aids from you but can I get molds made??? It’s just weird. I have to tip toe around people. I can’t even get phonaks at my local connect hearing which is owned by phonak, a sonova brand. The Audis at my connect hearing are more clueless than the ones at Costco. I’ve never had REM at Costco nor connect hearing. So I have to go to a private practice to get what I want, which in my opinion is more risky because I’m not sure if the same warranties will be obligated or how long that practice will be around. I guess this is all a lesson learned and moving forward I won’t make this same mistake again. I just have to master a brand and their software and fend for myself.

Does the Octicon exceed has a directional ability?

Because I am currently using Star key Halo 2 and some distortion occurs during certain function:

the loudest sound detection function parts where it focus on the loudest sound assuming it to be the speaker(like if people in front of me speak softer I will be hearing the next rowdier table conversations clearer) however that’s solved when I switch to the Omni function which allows me to listen to everything clearer which works sometimes. There are many more function to discover in star key.

However speech legibility is still not super clear.

I am curious how do the Oticon Brainhearing works?

Does the audiologist tune certain sounds like Low frequency m. And B clearer or high pitch s and t?

If you can share your user experience would be much appreciated!