Oticon TV Connector for listening to music

Hi. I want to know if is possible to make the Oticon TV conector sounds like “My Music” program: Full frequencies with no compression (I notice that when a voice appears, the music sound weaker). Do it is possible to make this in the Audilogy program? Thanks!!

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I assume you’re talking about the TV Adapter here and not the ConnectClip? Just want to clarify because you combine the 2 words together so it’s confusing.

When you pair your Oticon aids to a TV Adapter, it creates an additional special program (beside the built-in 4 programs) for the TV Adapter. When you want to hear from the TV Adapter, you’d need to switch your aids to this special TV Adapter program. The settings that this TV Adapter program follows is basically the same settings you have in your default P1 program. So the only way to make your TV Adapter sound like the My Music program is to manually copy ALL the settings of the My Music program (including all the exact gain values in the Fine Tuning section) into the P1 default program. But that essentially will turn the P1 program into the equivalent of the My Music program, and every time you turn on your hearing aids, you’ll always come up in the default P1 which is now modified to sound like your My Music program.

If you’re willing to pay that price for the inconvenience, you can copy your current P1 program into one of the other 3 programs, then modify your P1 to be like My Music. That way, the TV Adapter will follow the modified P1 that’s like My Music, and when you don’t use your TV Adapter and want the original normal P1 for your regular use, then you’ll now have to manually switch to that copied from original P1 program each time you stop using the TV Adapter.

The reason for the manual copy your My Music settings to P1 is because Genie 2 only allows you to select a General program based on the VAC+ or the other 4 standard fitting rationales. You cannot put a built-in Oticon program like My Music into P1. Built-in Oticon program (like My Music) can only put in P2 or P3 or P4.

Note that when you stream directly from the phone or from the ConnectClip, a special program is not needed/created for this type of streaming, so if you want to stream a video from your iPhone but want the streaming content to use the My Music setting, you can simply change to the My Music program, and both the environmental sounds and the streaming sounds will make use of the My Music settings.

The ConnectClip Remote Mic does require its own special program, similar to the TV Adapter or EduMic, so it will take on the settings in your P1 program as well. But note that the ConnectClip Remote Mic use is not the same as streaming audio from a BT device to the ConnectClip. They’re 2 separate and different functions for the ConnectClip.