Oticon Real 1 volume down

It’s been a while …

I’m trailing Oticon Real 1’s but got a weird thing with the HA on the right. It gets softer (less loud) after half a day, it starts to get dull and just upping the volume does not really fix it, it makes it sounds a bit hollow. They are of the rechargeable type and the right battery drains a tiny bit more (perhaps related). It’s not my hearing because when I switch them it’s the other ear.

Haven’t discussed it with my audi yet but was curious if anyone ‘heard’ this before…


Have you changed your wax guard(s)? Do you sweat a lot? I had some similar problems with my right HA that was moisture related. I started using little sweat covers (EarGear) and it resolved the issue. It could be a problem with the hearing aid but these are just a couple things to talk to your audi about. Good luck!

Thanks for your reply Tim,

Mailed my audi, got an appointment for this afternoon, it will be exchanged.

Will report back here…

It has been replaced and everything is fine so must have had some sort of weird defect.


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