Oticon Real 1 streaming balance off center

I’m wondering if any Oticon Real 1 users can chime in on their experience with streaming. I’m finding that the balance pulls pretty far to the left. Only with streaming. I can adjust L/R with the TV streamer but I’m not able to adjust for calls/music/etc. on my iPhone.

Your audiogram is pretty much equal so I’ll say it’s more of an adjustment issue.

There is this feature in the iPhone tho for calls and music which can help in the mean time.


I don’t notice any balance issues while streaming.

I had the same problem. In the end I adjusted the gains in the quieter ear using Genie 2 software. There is also a setting for phones/streaming in Genie on the final screen where you can adjust the streaming/phone gain and bass for each ear individually. It was very annoying initially

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Just pass along that to make this adjustment in your iPhone Go to SETTINGS, then ACCESSIBILITY, and finally select AUDIO & VISUAL. Once there, scroll down to BALANCE.

It might be something as simple as needing to change your wax guards and replace your domes. You might have to ask your audi to use a HA vacuum to clean out under the wax guards. Sometimes wax can get stuck under them.
You might be losing volume in one ear due to wax blockage but you might not be noticing it except when you stream because differences in volume between ears might be more noticeable when streaming than in conversations. Hope this helps.

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