Oticon power dome material change?

I have been wearing oticon mini fit HA’s with power domes for nearly 25 years. Recently I’ve been having issues with my left ear becoming painful and sore in the canal where the dome sits. I also seem to be creating more wax than ever before, typical wax is a non issue for me.
Recently I have purchased new domes from an eBay retailer which I have been using for quite some time.
To this point I believe I have only changed the effected ears dome but not totally certain.

My question! Has Oticon recently changed the dome material and my body is rejecting it?

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Funny. I wear Phonaks, and I totally agree that the silicon power domes ARE different! I don’t think Phonak & Oticon domes are interchangeable, but what I noticed is that the lower “skirt” on the double dome is made of a VERY flimsy, thin kind of silicon. Perhaps the idea was to make it more flexible to mold to the ear canal?

But like you, I’ve found that ever since I put these new domes on (and the old ones are NO LONGER available even at Amazon), my LEFT ear hurts like the matchstick speaker has given it a contusion. REALLY PAINFUL. The pain radiates from my ear canal into my jaw joint, and it either aches dull for hours or it pulses pain.

Even after I take my aids out, the LEFT ear is still bonging most of the day. I don’t see a solution cuz I’m allergic to any custom mold, but my ears swell up and down throughtout the day, too, so that’s likely another factor. First thing in the morning, I jam the left speaker into my ear canal and wince. Go to the gym, and the ear canal swells up again.

I’ve tried rubbing Salonpas and arnica gel in the general area … but I think it’s the CHEAP, flimsy material being used that provides zero cushioning from the sharp edges of the matchstick speaker. OW.


I believe the domes for the 4.0 Receivers are thinner than the domes I used with my last Phonaks. They were Bolero B70s or something like that. I used them all last week while my Paradise P90Rs were at Phonak

A gentleman here said he was providing the new 5.0 Receivers to his clients. My Specialist said he checked and can’t get the 5.0 Receivers until later this month

I need Power Receivers

And with great happiness I can thank my Soecialist and Phonak. They replaced my Paradise P90Rs and charger! I’ll charge then fully and see how long the charge lasts.

I want the 5.0 Receivers because the wax guards are the old style which I used for well over 10 years. The new Frisby disk wax guards don’t work for me.

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FWIW. I’m using oticon open bass domes with my phonak paradise hearing aids. They’re a slightly tighter fit when putting them on, but they work just great.

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