Oticon Own IIC Experience?

I have ordered a pair and I can’t wait til they arrive!! I have used a BTE open fit on and off on my right side for about 15 years. I am really looking forward to hearing with less strain, and leaving the aids in at all times. The hearing aid specialist said that it was not sure that I needed one on the left side, but for me there is no question that I want it, because I remember having no hearing loss on that side and I miss it. Furthermore, as a teacher, I am working with kids who have top notch hearing, and I need to be able to keep up with them. Anyone have experience with this model?

These were the first ones I tried, both the IIC and CIC. I had the cheapest dumbest tier. Really loved the sound experience I had with them but unfortunately, I had physical issues that remaking them 4 or so times just didn’t solve (or swung the issues to the other side). I am currently on Phonak but still miss the Oticon Own sound. My loss is mild low conductive loss and I would describe it at round and warm

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I am really looking forward to these. However, I’m also a bit wondering about how to handle if my loss keeps fluctuating, and there is no way to make adjustments without going to an office appointment. It almost makes me think I should try to get.a backup pair of BTE or RITEs. Maybe I will do that in January with FSA money. The pair I am getting now is costing me nothing out of pocket, a benefit of the teachers union. What kind of Phonak do you have?

People on here have DIY info you can search. Even getting the initial adjustment right has taken me 6 months back and forth…; my case is probably a bit extreme because my loss is rare.

I think the CIC has option for physical volume buttons? Depending on your ear size, that may not be that much bigger. They also have bluetooth options.

I have Phonak Virto, also the cheapest dumbest tier. Technically CIC but they are the same size as the Oticon IIC for me; I have small ears so IIC comes out larger for me. They have a magnetic “wand”, MiniControl, that you can set to adjust either volume OR program but it’s just 3 small volume settings or 3 programs.

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That’s great to know. I really like the Oticon I have now, because it’s held up for several years of being taken on and off and put into my wallet or bag, and still works. However, I also can’t adjust myself.