Oticon OPN S1 Firmware Update

I use the Noah Wireless programmer but to update the firmware you need a wired connection. I’m using the Hi-Pro programmer for that update. What cables are required for this update?

I have a CS44 cable with a flex connect strip and it connects to the aids but when I try to update the firmware it says that programming device not found. Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks,

Have you made sure that the choice of programming device has been selected in your Genie 2 software?

yes I have. Still same message.

I too have a Noahlink Wireless and the HiPro with Phonak Target.
Not sure what to tell you now.
Did both devices function properly before?

If you use an old serial HiPro it will not be found if the main Genie program is running. One of the guys said a serial port can not be shared. Reboot the computer, then without starting Genie start the firmware Update program directly.


I usually need to shut down the Target software and restart it when switching programming devices.

Awesome. Thanks so much! I’ve tried I don’t know how many configurations and spent hours trying to update the firmware. This worked!!!

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I’ve been able to update all my OPN S1’s except one of them. Says instrument not found. Weird because I was able to update the firmware on 6 others. Any ideas what might cause this just one to not respond? Firmware is not the latest version. I know that by opening the aid thru NoahLink. Thanks!

So are you able to connect it and program, or nothing at all?

I can connect it and program it using NoahLink wireless. Can’t update firmware thru NoahLink tho even using cables.

Can you program that aid with HiPro and cables?

No. Just with the NoahLink wireless.

Ok, so that aid does not connect using cables.
Sure sounds like a connect issue with that particular aid.

Can you reset to factory settings and then try the update, I know some brands even allow you to roll back to a previous version of the firmware.

Tried it using NoahLink wireless and there’s no option for a reset in Genie 2 that I know of.

I recently cranked up Genie 2. First of all a new update for Genie 2 was available, so I updated Genie. Then I just connected my OPN S1 Rechargeable aids up to new Genie 2 (v 2019.2) and it told me Firmaware 8 was available for my aids. So, I then tried tried to update to Firmware 8 from 7.

“No can do” using NoahLink Wireless device. It said I needed to connect with cables. I went to the Genie Help Menu for compatible cable programming device for the OPN S aids. It said use to old Hi-Pro USB with CS53 cables.

This posed a problem as I thought the device was sealed and only Oticon could open it. (I have previously paid a small fortune to Oticon for them to replace the rechargeable batteries after I ruined them by putting the aids in the charger backwards …reversed polarity).

Well bugger me, I found a tiny opening in the base of the aids where a very thin pin will pop open the battery door and you can remove the battery yourself.

Question…Is a standard rechargeable 312 type battery compatible with the OPN S miniRite R? I see the rechargeable 312s for sale at about $20 each.

Anyway, once the battery door was opened, I found a CS53 cable can be slid in to position in the crack near the door hinge just like in the old days. It is a fiddly job as the crack is a tight one. Once installed, the update page recognized the aids and updated them to Firmware 8.

Question…I am sure last time I updated them to Firmware 7 from 6, the job was done wirelessly using NoahLink Wireless. Have I lost it and my memory deceives me? Or has Genie 2 v 2019.2 disabled the wireless firmware update feature that I thought was in Genie 2 v 2019.1?

Question…Assuming that memory does serve me, is it possible that Oticon disabled the wireless firmware update in new Genie 2 to protect the aids is case of wireless interrupt during the process (I am assuming that the wired update is more reliable)?

No the firmware updates have never been done with the Noahlink Wireless. They’ve always needed a wired device.

Thank you and cheers, @Zebras
I must be losing it. :slight_smile:

You wouldn’t know the answer to what is the correct battery replacement for Oticon OPN S miniRite Rechargeable?

Question…Is a standard rechargeable 312 type battery compatible with the OPN S miniRite R? I see the rechargeable 312s for sale at about $20 each.

Answering my own question…

No, the rechargeable 312 battery is not the same as the Oticon OPN S R Lithium-ion rechargeable battery. The OPN S R battery is a different size to both 312 and 13 batteries.


GDay looking to buy a pair of used OPN S1. Can you let me know if I can use my HiPro USB to connect and tune with Genie. Thanks Terry