Oticon OPN receiver will not come out!

Trying to remove my OPN receiver, usually these click and pull out, but this one for some strange reason is stuck and will not budge.

I have the correct Oticon tool, left side comes out without issue, but right side is stuck. There doesn’t appear to be any damage either, it looks very similar to my left side.

Anyone have an idea on how i can remove it?

Yeah just use a little more force, so long as you’ve pushed the locking mechanism in all the way you should be able pull it out, I’ve used a pin as a lever to help push them out, probably just “gunk” in there working like glue ; )


Thanks tenkan, i tried again and wedged the tool (silver one) between something and then pushed the hearing aid down onto it and it finally came out. It certainly did feel like some gunk was working like glue, but i think the receiver itself may have been damaged, because the new receiver gets in and out without issue.

I have two tools, both seem to work fine, the black/grey one has a cleaning brush hidden inside and has a rounded tip, but for the life of me i cannot remember where i got it from, i’m pretty sure it’s an Oticon tool. The silver is an old Phonak receiver removal tool, but seems to do the job.

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Why do you need to pull it out? I’ve worn HAs for years and have never done this. Am I missing something?

To replace it, current one kept cutting out every now and then, new receiver is working fine.