Oticon Opn 1 vs Kirkland 7 (Costco)

Hi all,
I am new to the forum and about to choose new hearing aids!

I am liking all the features of the Oticon (especially the ability to stream music from my Iphone), but the cost is making me hesitant. The Audiologist (Dr) encouraged me to purchase them at a mere $6000.00!!

Costco’s Kirkland 7s are the next best bet I think.

My dilemma is that if I’m going to purchase HAs at somewhere between 1800 and 6000 dollars, I should get what I want. I have seen online sellers that offer the Oticons at 2k. Not sure they are reputable.

Can anyone tell me (in layman’s terms please?) the differences between Kirkland 7 and Oticon 1s? I am reading lots in this forum but I’m not clear on some of the terminology you all use.

I have mild hearing loss, but it now has become enough of a deficit to drive me and my family crazy.


My advice will likely be different than most. If money is important (meaning you’d really rather not spend several thousand dollars more), go with the KS7s. Do not try out the OPN1 because there’s a good chance you’ll like them better. You’ll learn a lot in the first few months of having the KS7s and likely have the opportunity (if you wish) to upgrade to KS8s that will likely be coming out sometime in Spring. If, after trying out KS7s (or possibly KS8s), one can always go buy OPN1s (or whatever is latest and greatest at the time) On the other hand, if money isn’t really an issue and you like having top notch tech, go with the OPN1s. If you go online, I would expect to pay around $4000 for a pair, perhaps a little less. $2000 was likely for one hearing aid.

For a first time user, I’d highly encourage an in person fitting. You’re likely to have a lot of questions.

Thanks. Will the KS7 allow for connectivity to an IPHONE? If so, is it by bluetooth? I am wondering if there’s a comparison of the two on some website someplace. I have tried both, but there is a money issue. Still, the features of both are key.

I appreciate your help.

For an iPhone to stream to the KS7 would require a Smart Connect device (so it’s bluetooth from iPhone to Smart Connect and then I think it’s NFMI. (note, connectivity means different things to different people–I did a post on smart phone compatibility with hearing aids–it’s not simple) Even with hearing aids that stream to iPhone, they are not “hands free.” You’d need to hold the iPhone to your mouth. All that said, if you just want to change some minor settings on the KS7s with an iPhone, there’s an app that uses high pitched sounds (~12khz) to communicate with the KS7s) If streaming directly (no intermediary device) from the iPhone is a key feature, you might want to consider Bernafon Zerenas from Costco. They’re made by the same parent company as Oticon, but use a different approach (note: “different”, not necessarily worse or better) Zerenas are somewhere around $2600-$2800 for a pair.

Although there is no direct comparison of the different features, if you do a search on this site for the name of the hearing aid and product info, you’ll get a pretty complete list of features and you can do your own comparison. Unfortunately, different companies call their features by different names (lots of marketing) Hope this helps.

I have the KS7 ReSounds. They cost me around 1800 dollars. I recently added a Connexx Smart Connect Bluetooth so that I can do hands-free talking on my Android phone. The Connex was $250 but well worth it. It is something that you wear around your neck that connects your KS7 to the BT. You can increase or diminish the volume, answer incoming calls, mute iHeart while talking. Along with that, the KS7 has an available app on google store that is both iOS and Droid friendly.

I would suggest that you visit the Costco audio department for further info. I do believe that the KS7 would be a good starter instrument and if you don’t think it works for you, there is plenty of time to return it. Ninety days.

Here is some info on the KS7: https://www.hearingtracker.com/hearing-aids/kirkland-signature-costco-7-0-premium-hearing-aids-rite

Just nitpickiness. The KS7s are Rextons, not Resounds and Costco in the US offers 180 day return.

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Costco products with direct Bluetooth connection (no third device needed ) are the Resound Forte and the Bernafon Zerena - both around $2600. The KS7 is a great buy at $1700 although for Bluetooth you will need the neck thing.

If your loss is mild, the Bluetooth features may end up meaning less to you than you currently expect.

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you are correct! Sorry bout that. Well, at least I got the first two letters right :slight_smile:

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Personally I think you are talking apple’s and oranges. The KS7 can’t touch an OPN. The Zerena is at least comparable, but the OPN will come out on top. The Sonic Enchant is pretty much identical to the Zerena and it’s not as good as the OPN. Is the OPN worth the extra over the enchant/Zerena is the real question and sadly only you can answer that.

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For $1700 a pair, the KS7 is still pretty sweet.


I’ve had my Opn 1’s for about 14 months now, and am very happy with them. First time hearing aid user, long time hearing loss struggler.

Before you give up on them, check out Truhearing.com. I got mine through their program via a local provider, and saved almost 30%.

Tru Hearing is how I got my OPN 2’s, but I was referred to them by my insurance company because my insurance didn’t cover HA’s. If you go through Tru Hearing, you will need to have a hearing test that costs $75. If you don’t want OPN 1’s, you can get OPN 2 or 3 HA’s. My OPN 2’s stream like the 1’s do. Each level you go down has less features than the OPN 1. I’m happy with mine.

The way the three levels priced under Tru Hearing in my plan were:

OPN 1 - $2150 each
OPN 2 - $1795 each
OPN 3 - $1495 each (I could be wrong on these because I didn’t consider the 3’s)

An audi is your choice of audi as long as they are in their network. If you can find an audi locally to program your HA’s at a fee, you can find the OPN’s a little less expensive.

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You can get them for less than that.

Thanks to all for your informative answers. If I go for the higher end will I need to replace them in 3-4 years? That’s a big consideration!

I really appreciate your contributions. All this is so new to me.


The warranty is already 3 years. I expect hearing aids to last for at least 3 year, and if they fail beyond the 3 year warranty, I would expect to send them in for repair at a cost. I wouldn’t replace them for less than 6 years personally and only if I find significant features worth upgrading. I hope to wear my OPNs for at least 6 years and if I can make them last for 10 years (I’m sure I’d have to send them in for repairs during this time), I’d be more than happy with them.

I got my Phonak hearing aids in 2015 and expect them to last until at least 2025!

Aside from firmware the device is defined at manufacture. Two other things are not. Our own hearing acuity is very likely to change and perhaps outside the design parameters. Secondly, our expectations will change as will our sense of the quality of our life and the impact of the hearing aid on it. Basically I think the game is far more complex that the technology employed.

If you have tried both and are satisfied with the sound of both, is the iPhone connectivity the only features concern? Have you considered the Costco aids that are Made for iPhone? $2600 per pair.

If your loss is mild most any reputable aids will work well for you - and they should last well more than 3 years. Also keep in mind that in 3 years, there will be something else out there that will be “later and greater”.

I had to convince myself that the cost of these HA’s was worth it and had to compare the latest technology in another brand. Coming from 7 years on Oticon Agile Pros I first tried the OPN1 for 30 days. Then the Sonic Enchant for over 30 days as the receiver wires are compatible with the custom molds (Zerena also should be interchangeable) Note: ConnectClip is not available for the Sonics but Sonic told me they have not decided on a release date) After much consternation and anxiety over the last few days I opted for the OPN. I forgot how they sounded and after picking them up yesterday I think I made the right choice. Yes a fast food joint was loud but as voice directed at me was introduced the noise became much unnoticeable. Voices on the TV had more clarity for example. I had the clinic bump up a Db in the speech bubble lost area. The OPN’s are slightly smaller in size which is no big deal but they are powerful the same. I’m sure I will be changing batteries more often too.

What is your sense of the Agile Pros vs OPN? I have a pair of the Agils (OK, not great), and the KS-7s as a backkup (pretty bad), and am wondering if you found a significant improvement with the OPN.
