Oticon ON App not updating HearingFitness usage data

I wrote a review last time you suggested it. Ill open another ticket with Apple, too.

I don’t think that I need to track my program usage any more, so I’m going to kill the app except at bedtime, to check charge levels. At least that way, my HAs should stay connected when I’m watching a movie or taking a call.

That will just leave the ConnectClip issue to address with my audiologist.

I will continue to use the app, for personal reasons. Mostly because of the app on my Watch.

You know something, Chuck, I probably will, too, but sometimes I find it sooo aggravating! Aaaargh!:triumph:

[Again today, that quirky app “lost” 2 hours of usage time. Like I’ve said before - it’s not a great big deal, except that I’m trying to see what proportion of my time is spent in DSL v5.0 compared to VAC+.

It’s frustrating, that’s all, when I think about how much they charge for the devices in the first place!]


Same problem again since 9/3/2021 has not shown the aides on time. The post I have found saying there is a problem.

Which post is this? Can you please provide a link so we can read it, too? Thanks.

goes back to April 2021 post, Not sure how to add to original post. Oticon ON App not updating HearingFitness usage data

Yeah April is pretty old news now. I thought you had read a recent post with new information.

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September 20, 2021 Well, I lost 4 hours of usage data yesterday: the ON app connection must have failed again.

The source of my annoyance is this: how can such a bare bones, do nothing app be so unstable?

[I rely in this data to keep track of how my new batteries (3rd set in 5 1/2 months) are doing, as well as to monitor which programs are the most useful to me. This monitoring doesn’t work when the connection is unreliable.]

Interesting but my usage was correct, it was slow to update for a while yesterday

Thanks for the comeback, Chuck. I have no idea why my experience always seems to be different than yours. Perhaps it’s a problem with my internet connection? I have fiber op, so I don’t think I should be having connectivity problems.

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Did you spend time away from your WiFi network

Yes, when I went to vote. Doh! How do I stay connected when I go to town, then, Chuck?

Make sure that the ON app is set to use cellular data, and that the app is always in use in the background. So background data must be enabled.

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Those were already turned on, Chuck!

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Then you should not be losing that amount of time

Yes, I agree. It throws everything off.

Simply, because it is giving you Less rather than More for your $$.
I run the ON App on android and have the same issues with the HearingFitness usage.

You are NOT alone in this!


Perhaps Oticon should just rename the app -“IF” …

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Here is what I believe is happening:
The ON app corrects data from the aids then the app has to send that data to a website where it is placed in a database and calculations are done done to come up with the times of use. Then that information is sent back to the app for display. I am also guessing that there is a number of the websites around the world that talk to each other and share the data. if the website that your app is connected to is down due to needed maintenance then the data isn’t updated. Now I have seen my data get updated a few days later as the website manages to catch up after being down.
This is just my guess due experience with the Internet and servers.

We’ll see, Chuck (@cvkemp) . I’m sure your insights into the way these things work have merit in explaining the whys and wherefores of the app’s spotty performance (spotty - judging from my perspective as a layperson who uses it). We’ll see whether your explanation pans out in a couple of days. So far, the four hours of data that I lost yesterday have not resurfaced … bit I’m hoping you’re right, and that they will.