Oticon Mores sound distorted

Hi everyone,
I have been wearing hearing aids for almost 20 years, mostly Oticons. Because of this, I am aware of what my expectations should be. When I talk in a fairly loud voice ( not screaming,) with my More mini rites, my voice sounds distorted, almost like a warble. The Audi has run the feedback manager. I don’t know why this is happening. I have never had unnatural sounds from my aids. Any help would be appreciated!

Are you using dome or ear mould? I suspect its something to do with ear fits. Audi not do ear inspection for you?

I use open domes, which I have used for years with all my different Oticon aids. I have never had this issue until using my Mores. Thanks!

I wear the More1 aids with full skeleton ear molds I haven’t detected any distortion. I have been wearing Oticon aids for about 11 years and love the sound. I would be talking to my audiologist about any issues.

You audi needs to make some level adjustments; sounds like they are overmodulating with some frequencies. Pretty common experience and easily fixed.

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