Oticon More3 (vs More1) Might Be Capable Enough For Some

HI I hope someone with more knowledge would be able to inform me if the New Oticon More in a level 2 or 3 would be a significant boost to help me with speech recognition. (I will have to tighten my belt to get a 2 as I’m on a fixed income.)
I find it next to impossible to understand speech if there is someone else talking close by, the masks & barriers make it worse.
this is the report from my audiologist

“Otoscopy: Clear ear canals, bilaterally. Pure tone testing (Symmetric): Right Ear - Mild-Severe Sensorineural Sloping Hearing Loss; Left Ear - Moderate Mixed Flat Hearing Loss. Tympanometry: Compliance, middle ear pressure, and ear canal volume found within normal limits, bilaterally. Acoustic Reflex Testing: (Ipsilateral/Contralateral): Reflexes found within normal limits, bilaterally”

Word Recognition: Right ear - 96% at 65dBHL; Left ear - 86% at 65dBHL.