Oticon More vs Oticon Real feature comparison

The hearing aid comparison tool (Compare the Oticon More with the Oticon Real) seems to show a few features present in the More that are absent in the Real:

Adaptive Adjustments
Environmental Adaptation
Machine Noise Reduction

Is this accurate? I was under the impression that the Real has all the features of the More and additional improvements.

Genie 2 (the programming software for Oticon) is where the proof in the pudding is as far as differences in the models’ features.

I personally think that these 3 features that are shown in the More but not the Real are marketing “fluff” that have no value, so maybe Oticon felt so embarrassed about listing them in the More that they decided to just remove their listing in the Real, because those features are “unreal” (pun intended, of course).

But if you want to do a deep dive of the 3 features in questions one by one, let’s go through it below:

Adaptive Adjustments: Some hearing aids may use the volume control to do more than just control the volume or control a program. User-adjustments can be custom-tailored to the hearing aid wearer so that the volume control may have an impact on pitch and other variables.

So below are the screenshots of the Operate Buttons page for the More first, then the Real next. You can eyeball them to see if they’re really any different or not. I don’t see any obvious differences, but then I didn’t bother going through them line by line. But you’re welcome to.

Below are the screenshots of the More, then Real, “Audible Indicators” page, where I scrolled down to the Volume Control Indicator. Again you can compare them line by line to see if there are any differences. I don’t see anything obvious after a quick scan through.

Environmental Adaptation: The hearing aid can detect different acoustical environments, like speech in noise, and adjust the sound of the hearing aid accordingly to drive comfort or speech understanding, etc.

Below are screenshots for the More, then Real Environment Configuration page. They look identical to me. You may even notice in the page for the Real, that the feature is still called MoreSound Intelligence in Genie 2 → they even forgot to change the page title to RealSound Intelligence. So obviously the Real has the same Environmental Adaptation parameters as the More. It it’s not listed in the Real column in that feature comparison engine, it’s more likely just an omission.

Machine noise reduction: Noise reduction for loud machine noise.

My personal comment → the only noise reduction parameters that can be set are in the MoreSound Intelligence page already shown above. As you can see, there’s nothing specific about “machine noise reduction” on that page per se. Even going back to the OPN and OPN S generations, I’ve never ever heard of a machine noise reduction, built specifically to handle loud machine noise. So I rate this feature a myth in the More. So again, maybe Oticon got so embarrassed for listing such a mythical feature that it decided to omit it out in the Real feature list.