Oticon More Triple Orange Flashing in Charger after Moisture Exposure

I’m a bit in a bind here. I’m on an islet in French Polynesia where the closest Oticon dealer seems to be 3000 miles away. I found myself far at sea on paddle board about to dive when I realized I forgot to remove my HAs. I placed them in a somewhat wet (no pooling water) reef shoe and trapped that to the board. When I got back one HA would not power on. In the charger it blink rapidly orange 3 times. I used a SIM tool to pop out battery. Seemed it was fine—not wet or any corrosion. Cleaned them anyhow. Returned to charger. Still triple blink. Can anyone tell me what that means? I don’t have Genie/Noahlink or a computer with me. I barely have internet and I am typing this on a phone. Is there any way to reset them or am stuck with one ear for a while? Thanks!

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Oh bummer, not good while on holiday, it sounds like it’ll need at least to be put in a HA dryer overnight, but in your case being where you are, a hot water cupboard would do, if it were me I’d take the housing apart while drying overnight, maybe some rice in a little container to help absorb some moisture.


Holiday and survival…

  1. Hair dryer to blow the HA for a very short while or
  2. Keep HA overnight with a small amount of uncooked rice or
  3. Try get warm air to dry the HA.
  4. Remove the battery during the drying process.

Good luck

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Saltwater, not good.
I would almost tell you to rinse them in distilled water.
Then put them in a bag of rice for a couple days or if you have a good HA dryer use that for about 24 hours.

Good luck with that.
Can’t believe you took them out to sea the way you did.

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It’s a service light. A bad battery is the most common cause, but not the only cause. Moisture is a close second. So, either moisture has impacted the battery and it will need to be replaced, or drying the whole device will (hopefully) let it work again. Those are not the only causes of the service light, but most likely considering the circumstances. I think what Dankailo and Raudrive suggested are good. Hope it works out.

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Thank you all for the advice. Still not working after a warm overnight drying. At least I still have one working hearing aid… better than both dead.

Yeah what a bummer, at least you tried, maybe look into some cheap back-ups for the future as well, so I guess you’ll need to send it back for repair, does your warranty cover everything I hope.

Just a final update: the battery was fine (I swapped batteries between right and left to check). In the end, the unit was replaced by Oticon for $250 fee. All things considered, it was not the worse outcome. The key is to have a good pair of HA backups. :slight_smile:


Hope im in the right thread…Just took my oticon reals into the shower…Not there for more than 15 seconds…In a bag of rice now and completely dead…No function at all…I’m HOPING that they are in some kind of safety mode until they dry out…As they are IP 68, I cant believe that 15 seconds in shower completely killed them…Thx for any feedback.

Also, no indicator lights at all when in charger!

If they’re still under warranty, even if you can revive them later if the rice bag does the trick, I’d still rather bring them back to your HCP in non-working condition to ask for warranty replacement. Like you said, the IP68 rating should be able to withstand a 15 second shower. I wouldn’t want a dried out pair of aids to crap out on me unexpectedly later on if they start having an intermittent working issue.

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Thx very much for your input…My situation is that these reals are near the end of a 60 day trial and my insurance will allow me two different model trials, each 60 days…Though I’m moderately satisfied with the programming (will get Genie once I own them), I dont like the behind the ear design at all so (before the shower incident), I expected to tun them in a get a pair of Owns for my second trial…So, IF they revive, I wont be keeping them anyway…If they dont revive, I’ll get a warranty replacement which (insurance rules) will preclude a second (Own) trial!