Oticon More 1 vs. Sonic Radiant

Trying to compare Oticon More 1 with a comparable Sonic model.
Any help would be appreciated

There should be a post on here by Volusiano comparing Oticon Opn to the comparable Sonic model. What I would expect is an aid that looks similar to the More 1, but has a very different approach to sound processing. The Sonic should be a good hearing aid, but if you’re looking for an aid that take’s Oticon’s approach to sound processing, get the More.

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My first hearing aids were sonic the sound was great, sounding just about the same as the Oticon aids back then. The problem I had was that I had to move and I couldn’t find another Audi that could adjustment or even new anything about them. I only wore them about 15 months and had to get new aids because I couldn’t find anyone to make adjustments or a way to get them repaired. I was lucky to get into the VA system and get my aids from the VA.

Yeah, I wrote an in-depth review of the Sonic Enchant 100 a few years ago that you can find in this link Sonic Enchant 100: Understanding the Enchant technologies, and subsequently, a review - #27 by mstrmac.

However, since then, it looks like Sonic has come out with a new model line called the Radiant that is based on its newest platform called the Extend Platform. So it’s probably more appropriate to compare the new Oticon More (based on the new Polaris platform) against the Sonic Radiant (based on the new Extend platform). I haven’t seen anybody posting any review of the Sonic Radiant on this forum yet.

The Oticon OPN and OPN S are older generations based on the Velox and Velox S platforms, respectively, and they should be compared against the Sonic Enchant based on the SoundDNA platform, because they all came out at around roughly the same time period.

There are 2 other Sonic model lines also based on the SoundDNA platform, called the Captivate and the Trek models. The Trek is the “power” version geared toward extreme hearing loss. I’m don’t know much about the Captivate model line, but it seems like they’re the rechargeable version of the Enchant line, except they are only available in the RIC style and not available in the ITE style.


My Audi suggested I consider the Radiant as an option to the more expensive Oticon More1. Just don’t want to give up too much functionality and regret it later.

What did you wear before considering the More 1?

The Radiant is probably more along the same line as the Enchant, just like the More is along the same line as the OPN and OPN S. The Sonic line gives you more aggressive noise management to make surrounding sounds more quiet and subdued so you can focus better on speech or other non-droning sounds.

The Oticon More will continue to follow the open paradigm of the OPN and probably will let you hear even more sounds than the OPN (if that’s possible), but the sounds will be balanced out better so you should still be able to make out speech and everything else more clearly.

You gotta decide which experience you like better first, before you can decide on which brand you want. The Sonic “traditional” experience is going to be very different than the Oticon “open” experience. One is not better than the other, they’re just different.

Don’t be fooled by your audi into thinking that the Sonic Radiant is just going to be the equivalent of the Oticon More, except that it’s cheaper. If you want the “open” experience for cheaper, consider the More 2 or More 3 instead.

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Currently have the OPN1 mrite 312. They’re 4-5 years old though. Can’t spend $6500 every 4-5 years. Sonic is about 40% less.
Not sure what to expect from the Radiant vs what I have now.
Very confused

If your OPN 1 are still working fine, even though out of warranty, I’d just continue to use them. Initial impressions from the Oticon More thread from users seem to have the same consensus that the improvement is incremental and not significant enough to upgrade from the OPN if you don’t need to yet. But if you’ve been wearing the OPN 1 and like them, the natural upgrade path would be to the More just so that you’re still getting the same sound you’ve been used to. You may not get the same sound if you switch to the Radiant, but heck, if you’re OK with it, there’s nothing wrong to switch either for 40% less cost.

If your audi is willing to let you trial the Sonic Radiant with no commitment to buy from you, I wouldn’t be afraid to try it out.

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