Oticon More 1 Firmware 1.4.1

I called in and they froze this firmware upgrade. No ETA.

It has been a couple of weeks since my aids were updated. I have had two occasions that one or both aids were not receiving the streaming audiobook or phone call to one or both aids. With the call it was just my right aid that wasn’t receiving the stream and luckily for me, my left ear is my better ear. When this happened it took a reboot of the aid or if it was both I rebooted the iPhone. To answer a few questions, no my aids were not also connected to the IPad, and second I had walked away from the phone for enough to not have Bluetooth connectivity and they still showed to be connected to the iPhone when they lost the streaming after I had walked back in range and tried o stream. Also,I don’t have the app installed at all.

My VA Audiologist update my aids the Wednesday before Christmas to firmware 1.4. not 1.4.1 or 1.4.0. My audiologist said it is a version that the VA and Oticon has agreed on. I am not having any issues at all. Full hands free is working, connectivity is great, even the battery life has improved notably. The only issue was an app disconnect when using the TV Adapter so I deleted the app.