Oticon Intent ConnectClip

Greetings Team,

I’m curious if anyone has already set up [Oticon Intent] with Connectclip and encountered any issues such as disconnections or crackling noises. I spend about 80% of my time in ZOOM meetings, and my operating system is Windows 11. Currently, I’m using mini Rite T FW 6.1 with ConnectClip (though I’m unsure about the firmware version and the battery has died). Since I can’t replace the battery, I’d appreciate hearing from existing users about their experiences before I consider upgrading and purchasing a new ConnectClip

Many thanks

Does the ConnectClip with the dead battery still work when plugged in to charge? You can search for posts about replacing the ConnectClip battery if you are interested in that approach.

Yes, you can use the ConnectClip while it’s charging. So it’s highly likely that even with a dead battery, it still works as long as it’s plugged in.

Can you use the phone for the audio side of the meeting? That was always easier for me to get hands free to work with no hiccups. Also, if any connection issues with the laptop, the BTD300 bluetooth dongle works better than most built in bluetooth.

Are you saying that you want to use the phone in place of the ConnectClip? The phone is not an intermediary device like the ConnectClip. The ConnectClip acts as an intermediary device and receives the audio via Bluetooth then sends a proprietary signal to the hearing aids. The phone and the laptop transmits the audio via Bluetooth. I’m not aware of how to change the phone from a BT transmitting device into a BT receiving device. If someone knows how to do it, I’d be all ears.

If it could be done, it would probably cannibalize the sales of the ConnectClip already.