Oticon Intent and CROS

I am currently trialling Oticon Intent as a replacement for my OPN. I have the Intent in my right ear, and my existing CROS in my left. The Intent has paired fine with my CROS, and that works well.

The fly in the ointment - I now need two chargers! One for the Intent and my existing charger for the CROS, as Oticon has changed the form factor etc with the Intent, so the CROS will not fit in the Intent’s charger, or vice versa.

I would happily buy a new Intent charger compatible CROS if there was one, but my audiologist says there is no word from Oticon on when this would be available.

Does anyone have any news about this?

The INTENT1 charger is totally different and will not function for aby othe Oticon aids.

Snapfish, I have been exploring HA’s with the latest design for S/N ration clarity. The Oticon Intent seems like the best solution thus far, but for those with SSD and needing Bi-Cros or Cros, Oticon seems to have abandoned us as users of the Intent devices. Because of that, I am now looking closely at Signia IX 7’s. I like my OPN S1’s, (Bi-Cros) but I’d have the same problem you’re experiencing with the chargers being a big problem if I move to the Intent HA’s. Perhaps Oticon will rectify the problem in the future, but until that time I’m forced to shop for other manufacturers.

I have just back from my audiologist, where I decided to keep the Intent, so I have now paid for it, and will just put up with using two chargers, the new one for the Intent, and my existing one for the CROS. I bought a pass through plug adapter that allows me to plug 3 USB cables and a 3 pin power plug into the same mains socket. It is more to pack though when I go away, so if Oticon ever release a CROS for the Intent charger I will probably buy it, effectively paying double for the CROS.

My audiologist said another patient of his is using the Intent + charger and CROS with non-rechargeable batteries, to avoid using two chargers. Not an option for me as I hate the non-rechargeable batteries versions - I am not going back to that!

Oticon really should get their act together.

Perhaps Oticon has not put forward the Intent rechargeable design for CROS users is because we are a small group of folks, in light of the non CROS folks. I’ve called Oticon on this and they don’t seem to have a timeline yet for CROS, but I’m assuming by this time next year they shoukd have corrected the oversight.