Newbee here. Currently in a trial period with Oticon Intent 2 coming from OPN S1 minirite.
Big improvement with speech. However I am disappointed with the Intent 2 sound in regard to listening to music over my stereo equipment. The OPN S sounds better. The Intent seems to have a slight veil between the speakers and also does not sound as dynamic as the OPN S do. I’ve read the Intents re-processes the music to a more digital format whereas the OPN S reproduce the original sound,just louder in the needed areas. I have no idea. Has anyone else experience this and if so did you find a solution? My instinct is to try the Intent 1 to see if there is an improvement. I chose the 2’s because I do not live in or experience noisy environments - restaurants ,office and such.
I have a upcoming appointment with my audiologist in a week for a review and adjustments however I am unsure how to attack this issue or if there is a solution at all.
I have been wearing aids for 20 years and Oticon aids for 14 years. I have been wearing INTENT1 for a month. I have custom ear molds. I only have the default program and I prefer it that way. While i am not someone who worships music, I am enjoying music again after decades of caring less about listening to it. I believe there is a difference in the frequency range and responses between the INTENT1 and INTENT2 but not positive to that.
I would talk to your audiologist, possibly there is adjustments that can be done to help.
To be honest what i am finding enjoyable about music may sound like garbage to others.
It is the new MyMusic program that Oticon started introducing on the More to Real to now Intent that you probably dislike, like many people. The OPN and OPN S use the original legacy Music program, but Oticon replaced this legacy Music program with the new MyMusic program and did not give you a choice of which of the 2 you want to use → you’re stuck with the MyMusic program starting with the More and later. They claim that they did extensive studies and their study subjects tend to like the new MyMusic better, or so they thought. The new MyMusic is based on the Harman target curve usually used by headphone mfgs.
Many people have tried to “fix” the MyMusic program to make it sound more acceptable to them. Some have been successful. I’m copying @flashb1024 here, who was successful in changing the MyMusic program to his taste. But what he did for himself probably wouldn’t apply the same for you anyway, because everybody’s hearing loss is different, not to count music listening taste. That is why the MyMusic program is liked by many people as much as it’s disliked by other people as well.
Another option is to make a copy of the General VAC+ based program, then go into Fine Tuning and set the gain values there to exactly what you have in your OPN S. Also match all the other settings to what you have in the OPN S Music program. At least that will give you a good starting point and your HCP can fine tune from there until you’re happy with it.
The Intent 1 is not going to give you a better experience with music listening than the Intent 2. Overall, if you need more help with speech in noise, the Intent 1 might give you more help with speech in noise, just not with MyMusic because MyMusic is the same in all tiers anyway.
Also, I’m not aware that the Intent processes music to a more digital format like you have heard. The only new digital format in the Intent is that it now supports the Bluetooth LE Audio protocol that is supposed to be the new and improved streaming standard going forward. But that has nothing with music specifically.
I play an instrument in a band and am listening to the mix in the monitors, listen to a lot of music online or while driving, and go to concerts fairly regularly. I have found if I just use the general program rather than the MyMusic one, I enjoy the music more. I have the Intent 1 aids.
Actually, Mr. V, I abandoned the MyMusic POS some time ago, and followed @e1405 's journey with very good results.So I’m using a custom program based on DSL v5 with all the processing disabled.
True, but remember Clear Dynamics is only available with Intent 1 and 2. Seems like an oxymoron to have MyMusic in all tiers, but not have Clear Dynamics, right?
Yes, the MyMusic program sounds very digital because Oticon, in their infinite wisdom /s employs a custom fitting rationale which takes away all the air and dynamics you heard with the old legacy program.
So, your solution, as @Volusiano and I agree upon, is to have your HCP create a program based either on the VAC+ or DSL v5 rationale, and copy the settings from your OPN S.
You’ll be fine with the Intent2, whatever your INTENTions are lol!
Yes, I’ve been using DSL v5 in my music program for quite some time now. It’s hard to get MyMusic to sound right. I’ve figured there are two ways to achieve good sound quality: you can rely on your musical memory to fine-tune the frequencies (some folks here do that), or you can use an external audio reference for that (what I do).
With the Intents, I’ve been using my P1 more and more for music, although I still switch to my dedicated music program when playing my guitars or wearing my over-the-ear headphones. That was not the case with my old OPN 1 and MORE 1 (P1 was not good for music with them).