Oticon Intent 1- Various issues with brand new hearing aids

I recently purchased a pair of Oticon Intent 1s and have had various issues with them right out of the box (so to speak - audiologist applied my previous profile from my Oticon OPN S1s).

The first is a constant static noise from the left hearing aid, almost as if there is an issue with the speaker where any and all noise passed into the mic results in the sound being amplified, then a static noise filter is applied after the amplification at a low volume. This means I cant notice it in high noise environments, but the moment I enter somewhere quiet with, say, a very low level AC running I hear it.

The second is a loud popping and clicking noise whenever Bluetooth audio is being streamed from my phone to my hearing aids. At first I thought it was my phone, but quickly realized that my other hearing aids never had this issue. It is also present mostly in the right hearing aid, and occasionally in the left.

The third is constant feedback noise. And you might think - oh, thatā€™s because sound is leaking! I assure you, it is not being of sound leaking. Iā€™ve double checked this through various means, such as power domes with no vents (I typically use single dome double vents), lowering the gain significantly to ensure that even if there is leakage it doesnā€™t make it to the actual mic, covering my ears with my hands to test the feedback, etc. The end result is that with certain noises there is always some sort of phantom feedback from the hearing aid (at a lower volume compared to ā€œactualā€ feedback from sound leakage). No matter what, if the feedback optimizer is on, there will be a grating feedback noise when, say, water is running nearby, or a bird chirps, or really just all types of noises and sounds at varying levels. Disabling the feedback optimizer in the genie software immediately fixes the issue, no more feedback whatsoever from sounds, the only feedback then is from actual feedback (at a much louder volume than the feedback caused by the optimizer), such as picking up the hearing aids in my hand. When I turn the feedback optimizer back on, the feedback from sounds instantly comes back, and the feedback from picking them up immediately goes away. The only conclusion Iā€™ve reached is that perhaps the feedback is caused by the optimizer incorrectly categorizing some noises from the outside world as feedback, then attempting to fix this phantom ā€œfeedback.ā€

The fourth issue is also a bit strange, my hair (short, buzzed on the sides) now makes a loud noise when bumping the hearing aid. Itā€™s the exact noise youā€™d expect, of course, but it is much more present than it ever was with my OPN S1s. I think this might just be down to bad design, as the Intent 1s are much bulkier than the OPN S1s, which means they are a few millimeters taller and thus bump into my hair, but Iā€™m not sure if there was also some sort of setting that could help with this.

Anyways, I was hoping to get thoughts on these issues and any thoughts on methods to address. My audiologist was unable to address any of these issues through her adjustments (understandably so - Iā€™m unsure if there is a fix for these as this behavior was not present on my old hearing aids), and I used my own noahlink and genie software to turn off the feedback optimizer to fix the first, but overall these issues are still present and we suspect these may be duds, or Oticon just dropped the ball heavily in the past few years.

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I am going to tell you my honest thoughts take what you told us and tell it to your audiologist,asap.

I have. The only plan weā€™ve come up with is to return this pair (forgot to mention, weā€™ve adjusted them twice in office to no avail) and order the same pair again, to see if these are simply duds. Then, if I still have the same issues, I will just switch to Phoenak or some other brand and try theirs. But I wanted to post this first and get opinions, just to see if others had similar issues or problems that were able to be fixed.

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Have you tried a new feedback test with power double domes? Do you have the correct gain receiver? Is the receiver wire length correct?

By feedback test do you mean feedback analyzer? If so, yes. The feedback issue persists.

I believe the gain receiver is the same as my previous hearing aids- but Iā€™m unsure of the actual #.

Wire is the same length as before as well.

My opinion for what it is worth is to either have a full diagnosis done on the aids in the audiologist office or send them in for replacement or repair, knowing Oticon the way I do they will be replaced.
I have been wearing Oticon aids for 14 years, and I havenā€™t had any aids repaired but always replaced and that has only been needed 2 times in 14 years. I have been wearing aids for 20 years and have still had aids go bad 2 times. I wear only ear molds or ITE aids so I donā€™t know anything about domes. I did have them for about 3 months while waiting for custom ear molds. Well honestly demanding custom ear molds.

WOW. I feel for ya! Last thing we want after plunking down serious dough is all these mysterious issues youā€™re having with the Intents. Iā€™m guessing these are DUDS, and if you get a replacement, just be sure the serial number is DIFFERENT, cuz it sounds like this pair is beyond hope fixing.

Feedback is something I also experienced with my Phonaks, and it turns out the audi had to run ā€œFeedback Mgtā€ program in a very quiet setting to completely resolve this MONTHS-LONG issue. Thatā€™s about all Iā€™ve experienced similar to you.

But for the record, I trialed Intents and turned them in not only cuz the new audi Iā€™d be assigned to was about as empathetic as a brick, but also cuz they were highly unstable with the BT on my Android Samsung Flip-4 phone. Deal KILLER.

I sure hope you get this resolved. Can your audi arrange for a loaner pair in the interim, or are these Intents too short in supply? That could be another issue with getting a reliable pair. Iā€™m HOPING that if one patient returns a faulty pair to Oticon, it isnā€™t reboxed and simply sold to another person?

The beat-downs continue this morning.

The AuD recommended they return them for replacements and if the replacements didnā€™t solve the problem return and try a different brand.

What else would you like the AuD to do?

I wouldnā€™t do much different than your HCPā€™s recommendation. If the second pair of Intent still exhibit the same issues, itā€™s possible that your type of hearing loss is not compatible with the Intents. You donā€™t post your audiogram in your profile so we have no idea what it looks like.

The Phonak Infinio Sphere 90 at this point would look very attractive to me as the next brand you should try.

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Nothing in particular, not much else they can do.

I have my old pair, which is starting to break, but Iā€™ll use them in the meantime. Or at least the left one, the right one just barely outputs any volume ever since I did some yardwork a while back. It made some strange beeping noise Iā€™d never heard before and just puttered out.

Attempted to post it to my profile before posting but it appeared the page where you upload them is dead.

Hereā€™s a picture of my Genie 2 profile.

Chonky reverse slope losses on both.

Guaranteed Oticonā€™s low frequency feedback howl issue is coming into play. Bin VAC-1, get Real Ear Measurement with live speech mapping done and ā€˜seeā€™ where the aids do and donā€™t work.

Everyone is just guessing in the dark otherwise.

Iā€™m a bit out of my depth here - would I message my audiologist requesting ā€œa real ear measurement with live speech mappingā€ test?

Yes, otherwise nobody can tell objectively whatā€™s happening; other than what youā€™re describing.

Is your old pair still under warranty? If so, send that right one in! In fact, given that the new Intent is wonky, Iā€™d put some pressure on your audi to accommodate an immediate repair of the older RIGHT aid.

Glad youā€™re getting some sound advice here about the Intents ā€¦ We have to be persistent and our own advocate. Hope you get that resolved.

It would cost me the same to repair the old as to purchase the new ones. Which, if replacement fails and I dont like Phoenak, I think I will do. The old ones are basically perfect.

THERE YA GO! Thereā€™s a lot to be said for what WORKS. Case in point: when I got my new Lumity Life aids to replace the Marvels, we ended up copy/pasting the old settings & programs onto the new aids, cuz those old Marvels got the job done. So much so, that I now take them on trips to use for backups along with my NEW 312 Phonak Lumity aids.

I prefer the older Marvels with a 13 battery to the clusterpuck that comes with my new rechargeable Lumity Life aids - and that clutter is what inspired me to buy the new 312 model. Back to battery basics.