Oticon Intent 1 receiver 100 and receiver 105

With 105 is necessary custom and audiologist send for brand for make.
What is the difference between receiver 100 and 105 in terms of speech perception? Has anyone here used both to know the difference?

I don’t know of a 110 db receiver but there is a 105 db receiver. The 100 can be used with ear molds that you can insert the receiver into, the 105 receiver is molded into the custom ear mold.

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Ops. Yes 105 :slight_smile:
Differences 100 vs 105?

5db of sound boost and size.

Yes, but a big diference in speech ?

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No. If fact there is not much difference in standard power to 105. I have tried them all and for my loss i am using standard in my left and 105 in my right. Comprehension is almost the same, but i do notice better feedback control with the 105

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What are the practical differences in understanding speech? whether in noise or in calm environments.

You need to have the receiver that fits your hearing loss. For me, I use 105dB that covers most of my loss that is useful e.g. low frequencies.

I tried speech rescue and adjustments for my high frequencies but my brain really could not adjust as I have not heard any sounds at those frequencies so just focus on what I can hear and like to hear.

The 105dB can be adjusted so for example, I had one audiologist who set them at 85dB power but I was experiencing issues at a certain frequency almost like I needed to have more power to hear those sounds and once it was set at the full power of 105dB, I didn’t experience it again. We didn’t even know that you could do that with 105dB receivers!

Like Charles says, there is an additional 5dB of power so it can make a difference if you do have a loss like mine.

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For my hearing loss it has been about a 10% increase in word recognition while wearing my aids. It has allowed my aids to be adjusted to give me the maximize possible word recognition while eliminating as much background noise as possible and not have any feedback issues. What is also very important is a properly fit ear molds.