Oticon hearing adis

Does anyone know if Oticon hearing aids do well in noisy situations especially filtering out the unwanted background noise. Please, let me know if there are better hearing aids that block out the loud noise where I am able to focus on the person talking and not be districted by all the other noise.

If you only want to hear only the person in front of you talking and don’t want to hear anything else around you, then the Oticon aids are not good for this requirement because of the Oticon “open” paradigm. This paradigm focuses on letting you hear most of the sounds around you beside speech, but it will also help clean up the speech from the noise so that you can understand speech better as well.

Some people like this approach of being able to hear more non-speech sounds and still being able to understand speech amongst the sounds. Others don’t like this approach. It looks like you fall into the later group. So you probably won’t like Oticon aids.


Yes my Real1 aids does great in noisy environments with the SpeechBoost enabled, but i have custom ear molds, i expect if you have domes there will be somewhat more noise in a noisy environment. I also have the More1 aids and with custom ear molds they are also good in noisy environments with the Speech Boost enabled.

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