What’s a “disk”? Hahahaha, I’m just kidding. To each/his-or-her own. It that works for you then that’s fine.
Though, I will always counter any recommendation to Buy Software with a (Don’t Pay for free fitting Software) reminder. Why? Because it is not just a single recommendation for the one newbie who is asking the question!! It also pertains to countless other newbies who may be lurking. If you take into consideration the other lurking newbies, then that one recommendation to Buy free fitting software may end up with thousands of wasted newbie dollars/pounds for something that is otherwise free. I think that results in terrible advice for the countless newbies. And the thing that really chaps my hide is that some EBay sellers are obtaining the software from “here” and then reselling it to these unsuspecting newbies.
Newbies; If you want software ask for it here;