Oticon Genie 2023.1 - four new Real models

Hola, estoy probando lumity 90 y la semana que viene probaré oticon real1. Me podría mandar alguien el link para la última versión de Genie, POr favor?. Muchas gracias, me están ayudando muchísimo. Vivo en un elugar aislado y es realmente dificil depender del audioprotesista. Saludos

Hi there, sure but don’t forget you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device as well for DIY projects, also check out the user guides, very handy for setting up the first fit.

Good morning! I just received a new set of Real 1 hearing aid and I o am interested in self programming. Could you please share the Genie 2 2023.1 software with me?

Welcome @user798 , please check your private messages

Hello, I’d like to adjust little things on my aids without having to make appointments all the time. Can somebody send me a software link plz?

could you send me a link too, please?

Hi there, sure but you’ll also need the Noahlink Wireless programming device for later models from oticon, check out the user guide as well as it’s quite handy for setting up the first fit.

I have their fitting link 3.0

Does it work on your models? I used it on the older models, Noahlink Wireless is a better device plus works on all the manufacturers from late.

Edit: i see that it works with any of Octicon’s 2.4 GHz wireless
hearing aids,I was using version 2 and not 3.0. So you’ll be good to go.

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Could a kind soul PM me a link as well? Currently trialing Oticon Real 2’s. Thanks :blush:

Edit: Got it, thanks everyone!

Welcome to the forum, sure but you’ll also need the Noahlink Wireless programming device for your DIY projects, as your on a trial period maybe just check the software to see whats possible to do. Do read the Genie user guide as its very useful for you.

Could someone please send me instructions to download Genie2? (I already have a programmer coming, you don’t have to remind me :grinning: )

Ok ok i promise not to do this again, but sure no problem, no doubt you have already read the user guides ao i wont link that.


Hello everyone!
Until now I have used Oticon Opn S 2, Oticon More 2 and have now purchased Oticon Real 2. Now with this experience I would like to explore the possibilities of the Real 2 myself (Noahlink available). Can someone please send me a download link for the latest Oticon Genie software? Thank you very much!

Can I get a link for the software? Thanks in advance

Hi there, sure, no doubt you have read the Genie user guide.

Thank y’all. I dont wear Oticon aids but I want to take a look at the software.

Hi, I have just got a pair of Oticon Real 2 from my Audiologist and found this forum.

I have read the instructions Pdf for the Genie 2 software and I am also very interested if someone please,can give me the download link for the latest software.

I am aware of that i need the Noahlink Wireless interface for reading and program them, but until i have get the NoahLink i can at least see the what options there is for finetune my aids when i see my Audiologist.

My Audiologist were impressed of my technical understanding so she think it`s okay if i do adjustments by my self.

But i am sound engineer since long ago so i have good understanding how it works.


Hi there, sure no problem, its good that you have decided on DIY, lots of us doing this now, keep everyone updated on progress.

Just got Real 1’s, and I’d like a link to the Genie software

Thank you so much