Oticon Engage Stethoscope that works with iphone - reviews

You’ll need the Oticon Connect Clip or ask your audiology to change to Phonak Aids and then it’ll have the correct Bluetooth to connect directly.

I follow a Deaf Nurse on Instagram and she just got a new stethoscope but she has Phonak Naida P70 UP from her audiology so they connect directly.


I trialed the REAL while using my Eko Core. You have to go through the app to go to the aids.

@Milo_Meadows Did you pair the Real with the Eko without a ConncetClip?

Sorry, i dont think I made my question very clear.

I can connect my hearing aids to my iphone absolutely fine, as theyre MFI I don’t need a connect clip, I can stream spotify and take calls through my hearing aids (which is crazy, science still baffles me).

I was really hoping somebody might pick up on this who has used a digital/bluetooth steth in a similar environment to me, and could explain exactly how it works?

For example I know one of the steths will only work via wifi, which pre-hospitally isn’t appropriate for me as I’ll be “in the field”.

Thanks, Jess :slight_smile:

Hi Milo,

When you go through the app does the sound come through your aids, or do you need earphones to place over your aids?

@Jess1 Your hearing aids are MFI and not classic Bluetooth!!!

You will find 4 main companies that sell BT stethoscopes. They are -

Thinklabs One - Digital Stethoscope?





You can find new ones around as well but I’m just not familiar with them.

Sorry @Baltazard, these are my first pair of hearing aids so I am very much new to them - would them not being classic Bluetooth have any practical differences?

The way I imagine it is - stethoscope connects to iPhone via app > iPhone sends auscultation sounds to ears (which is exactly what I need)

@Jess1 I think maybe you are right, since Engage is MFi, but below is the manufacturer’s phone number, if you want give them a ring and see what say about hearing aids and iphone.

Interesting- half a century ago I was told I could never study medicine, as I could not use a stethoscope. Times change. (I studied biology instead, went into drug discovery, never had career regrets.)

account instagram user please.

I did not use a connect clip. I also trialed Unitron right after, so to make sure no intermediary was needed I tried my Core with my Genesis aids and had no trouble. You do have to go through the app though for it to work. The Core is a backup to my Littman 3200 that i am still using… I also use Android but should work the same with iphone due to needing the app.

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Straight to the hearing aid, no headphones needed.

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@Milo_Meadows Smashing :+1:t3:
So basically, the app on the phone will do the link to the hearing aids via the phone, if that makes sense.
Thx :+1:t3:

Yes you pair the stethoscope to the app and then there is a button that looks like headphones that you push and brings you to a screen to "turn on " headphones.

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Pictures won’t load but here you go.

What’s your hearing loss like? What are you going to be listening for? Hearing aids typically cannot reproduce sounds low enough to capture ausiculation frequencies, and in many cases if your hearing aids are reasonably open fit you may be better off going with an amplified stethoscope and a circumaural headset to pop on overtop of them. (Feedback I’ve gotten is that patients view a circumarual headset as “more high tech and new” than a regular stethoscope.)

One of the things I did when i got my first pair of hearing aids since the stethoscopes were not bluetooth and you needed the tubes, was ti get an additional program that I could toggle to on the aid itself. This was just basically a mute program i could access real quick as I did not know if there would be any feedback or interference between the two electronics. Turns out it was never needed and still use the tubes instead of having to open an app on scene.

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So the the stethoscope connects to the phone using bluetooth? And the phone is connected to the hearing aids using MFI?