Oticon Companion iOS app updated to 1.5.0

Hi all, I was interested to see that the Oticon Companion app on my iPhone updated to a new version yesterday (1.5.0). I immediately tried it out, because the previous version was not very satisfactory, the main issue being a seemingly random inability to connect to the hearing aids (Oticon Intent 1 in my case).

It was quite a challenge to get the upgraded app to work at all. I had to “forget” the hearing aids and re-pair them a few times before I got it to work.

It is still not satisfactory and the app still fails to connect at least 50% of the time, although the type of error message is a bit different. I did however notice that (on the odd occasion that they do connect) the “Speech booster” icon which previously didn’t really do anything, seems to make a much bigger difference in damping down background noise - it’s not dramatic but I can at least hear a difference whereas before it was almost impossible to tell when it was on.

Any other comments and observations welcomed.

The bottom line is that you can’t rely on the app. If it worked then it would be pretty useful but you never really know when it’s going to work or not.

What phone are you using? I have the companion app 1.5 on my Samsung S23, I have the INTENT1 aids and I am not having any connectivity issues. I fact the app is tje best version yet. When I installed the app I cleared all data for the old app first. Which means that after installing the new version I had to pair my aids.

My post refers to the iOS app which is for iPhones.

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Sorry I didn’t notice. I walked away from IOS almost two years ago because of this issue.

Update on this: I’ve now been using the updated iOS app for a couple of days and, while it’s not perfect, it now does connect more reliably and consistently.

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