FYI… just got Companion app update to version 1.5.0 on iphone …
This version offers improved re connection process, faster start-up and better performance. We’ve also added dark/light mode settings directly in the app(More > My profile.
Users with a specific tinnitus setup can now apply different sound patterns when using the tinnitus program (Comfort pulse).
Thanks, that’s the message in the app. I didn’t notice it was much quicker to connect to my hearing aids.
I haven’t noticed any improvement either…
No difference here as well.
My companion app on my Samsung S23 phone updated. No real changes, the aids did connect faster. On my Samsung S23 phone the always connected has worked now for over 6 months almost a year. I don’t have tinnitus program enabled.
Just got the notification today, but the app claims it updated four days ago… Well, however.
Does anybody know how to use that new tinnitus functionality in the app? I tried to switch sound patterns, but could not find where and how that is possible.
The “Hearing fitness” function still does not work for me.
(All on Android.)
Did your audiologist enable a tinnitus program on your aids? If not you have to have your audiologist enable it first.
Hearing fitness is working in the app on my Samsung S23 phone.
I am DIY-ing, so for the better or the worse I am my own audiologist. Yes, I enabled tinnitus relief on one program, it’s great, I love it.
Think it depends on your hearing aids as my Xceeds don’t have it either and I have the tinnitus program activated.
I don’t use it myself, i have had tinnitus since Thanksgiving day 1975. I learned decades ago to compartmentalize my tinnitus and not to pay attention to it. I found the tinnitus relief to be unhelpful.
I can’t claim such a tinnitus history, but yes, I also found to a peace with my tinnitus after an initially very distressing time. I still like the tinnitus relief function – it’s relaxing and an alternative to a 4K whistle.I would not like it to be on all the time, but with programs and the app (can turn it off even in the program where it’s activated) it’s a feature I appreciate a lot.
I had it for a while, my tinnitus is white noise like a white noise sound machine. I fo sleep witj a sound machine. With my aids set the way they are I don’t notice my tinnitus as long as I have my aids on. I do my best to stay away from overly quiet environments. We have the bose speakers and have what i call elevator music softly playing as long as my wife isn’t watching TV. I stream audiobooks alot so I don’t notice it.