Oticon Companion 1.4.0 (iOS) just released

Hi all, the update for Oticon Companion dropped about a week ago. It is now on version 1.4.0. I don’t notice any material differences. I find that my Oticon intents disconnect randomly for no apparent reason. I don’t do anything about it and they eventually seem to reconnect by themselves. This issue has not been resolved for me, I’d love to hear if others have a similar issue.

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In pretty much all situations (ios clients) we’d advise you not to install the companion app unless you can’t use the treble tap functions.


That’s interesting. Are there particular issues that give rise to that advice?

Yes, the Mfi struggles with multiple drop-out/reconnect issus. If you make additional connections across the system you increase the rate of drop-outs. The App uses another connection ‘slot’ each time. Eventually the list gets too long and one or both ends time-out and fail the handshake process: which means you have to bin the connection and start again from reboot.


Very interesting.

It looks like Mfi still has a way to go to achieve the consistency of the older Bluetooth implementations of Phonaks (albeit more power hungry)

Well the companion app on my Samsung S23, with my INTENT1, stay connected even when the app is closed. It has the always connected option.

Yes I noticed that too what i do is turn the bluetooth setting off fir 2 seconds then reboot the App …it comes on again.
I don’t remembered the last Oticon App behaving like that.

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What if you wander out of range? How do you know it’s making the pairing on the same basis or reconnecting as a ‘new’ pair?

Because at least with my Samsung S23 phone and INTENT1 aids i have left my phone on the table by my recliner and walked over the house and even out to tje mailbox whislch is a good 50 feet, and haven’t lost connectivity with my phone. I have done it while streaming an audiobook to my aids. And as soon as i come back in I checked the app. Now my aids and phone are connected by le audio.

Thanks for this info. At least I know I’m not alone! I don’t really need the app but sometimes it’s an easy way to check what program is on or how much battery is left.

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I pretty much ignore the App except if checking the battery status, or juggling settings at a concert to fine-tune what I’m hearing.