Oticon Announces Oticon Intent™, the World’s First Hearing Aid with User-Intent Sensors

Hi again Misterre. No they really don’t overshoot either on a burst of music or voice, or on a dropped dinner plate! I haven’t actually put these through the measurement mill, but I would be aware of the artefact through my studio work. There, it’s easy to adjust a compressor from lookahead (resulting in zero overshoot) to really laggardly (30 msec), all while listening.
Clean vocal sound requires a lookahead of a few milliseconds - but of course that would not be helpful in a hearing aid because of delay. So most likely, what I think my Phonaks do, is a very swift capture of peaks, with a hard limit on overshoots. Theoretically distorting, but acceptable if really brief.
I had better stop or will become known as Compressor Obsessor!

I have Real1 with Full Directional mode.

I can still detect vehicle approaching behind me. I actually impressed because my old Hearing Aids before Real1 not doing good job detect sound behind me. Most hearing aids do in Full Directional mode is forward focus and reduce the sound from behind and side. Real1 somehow don’t make side and behind way too vanishing.


That’s helpful to know about Real1, Mami 2529, thankyou. Yes, there must be some reasonable compromise between reducing rearward noise so we can hear conversation, while keeping up safe awareness of vehicles. It’s just one detail more to explore while being fitted and/or making our choice of aid.
Of course the new electric vans and cars, and bikes in particular, are very quiet - but still fast!

Guys, I am waiting to trial next week Oticon Real 1.
Lets say all cool, worth requesting for the new Intent model?

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Technical Datasheet

271512UK_Product_Guide_OT_Intent_MNR_Original file.pdf (3.1 MB)
8966-8965-8964-rDOg4dBqBb8CguVLePcT67yUxBREOzRlWV14wQit.pdf (766.0 KB)

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I’d see about the latest modelIf you normally keep the hearing aids a long time


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I’m a musician: classical guitar. There’s always the issue of whether musicians are ‘tuning out’ unwanted sounds that they are actually making on their instruments. In short, when I make myself sound good to myself, there’s always the question as the whether I’ve ‘manicured’ my sound for myself, but others are hearing something different. And maybe not so wonderful.

A very good performing guitarist who wears aids recently wrote about this. Look, even musicians with perfect hearing aren’t sure that from their position on the instrument, others are hearing what they are. When we start to ‘manicure’ our aids according to what we hear through them—it’s a can of worms.

However–what else can we do?

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agree. looks beautiful
but also looks a bit bulky, no?
never saw oticon in reality

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I have done that and ended up getting my classical guitar right, while my acoustic sounded awful — and vice versa. I got far better results using an external source to fine-tune my hearing aids, usually involving pure tones and frequency intensity matching.

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Which hearing aid do you use?

@fontez Phonak Nathos Nova M

cool. a question: my audiogram is similar with your. i think change resound one to oticon intent 105 with customize receiver.

Based on this URL at page 22-23, I was wondering what custom mold would give the best acoustics.
Anyone here can answer on that? (receiver 85 or 100)
Appreciate it.

@fontez Sorry, the audiogram on my profile is my brother’s audiogram, he uses Phonak Naida Paradise/Lumity UP, because of his sever to profound hearing loss.

If you have a recent audiogram (less than 6 months) could you add it to your profile, I am sure smashing people on this forum will be glad to advise you.

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Does anyone have the dimensions of the rechargeable Intent MiniRite model, i.e. H-L-W in millimeters? I particularly need the width number to decide if I can buy these. That data’s not in the brochure of the tech-spec sheets that I can find.

Thanks in advance.

Guessing the Microshell Detect.

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But oticon intent apply profound less no? In techinal data show profound with customize receivers

@fontez Not sure I understand you, but if you could add your audiogram to your profile, then I and the good people on this forum can better advise you.

If your audiogram fits within the shaded area, then potentially you can use:

But again, your hearing care provider will be the best person who can advise you, as he will be doing your hearing test, analyse the data and recommend what is suitable and not suitable for you.
Oction intent with mircoshell 105 might work and it might not work, it all depend on your circumstances…

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Here’s our comparison page. Audio tests coming later:


I still can’t find any specifics on how it works “hands free” with a current Android phone. I am still limited to Phonak and my Kirkland Signature 10’s to keep my hands free connection.