Oticon Announces Oticon Intent™, the World’s First Hearing Aid with User-Intent Sensors

Yes…Absolutely with the smallest possible vent. I have to check everyday though for ear wax on the inner vent. Don’t like the closed up feeling. The black plastic cleaning tool can be a pain to run through the vent but its ok.

The Jodi vac or something like it is indispensible, imo.

what vent size do you have?

dude are you realy compairing a car with a hearing aid? really? no comment

For you it may be 40h, but for me it’s less than 24h (but that’s ok for nearly 99%) and the worse someone hears the durability will drop more and more. Also they will lose at least 10% of the capacy every year. And do I really have to carry arround the compact charger with me? In case that the capacity will not be enough? really? and that only because some people like you want smaler hearing aids? beh …

They said that the capacity will be 20 hours. So say me is this enough for someone who needs hearing aids? If you have 0 opportunities to hear something withouth this aids … do you really buy it?

But the problem is that I have to buy this things, sure there are other brands (six) but at the end I have to wear one, doesn’t matter if I am happy or not.
I have tested 5 brands (phonak, oticon, capacy bullshit) and (starkey, resound, signia, capacy very good til ok)
the problem is now that phonak and signia are to sharp for me and so is also starkey sometimes. I love they oticon sound and the resound nearly the same, so from your expression there are other to buy, from 6 there are 2 i want to wear and one of them is not wearable for me atm. Should I now live with this? According to you I have to.
And again it is a hearing aid! It’s not a headphones where everyone can produce them how they like it.

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Good discussion in this thread. Please keep it friendly.

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Misterref, I understand that you only got 24 hours out of the Signia. And it is true that with streaming, the regular Signia Pur Charge&Go IX hearing aids only get 24 hours.

However, please note that I said the IX with T-coil, which get significantly more hours - 39 hours capacity, 34 with streaming. Even at 34 hours, that’s the better part of 2 days.

I’m sorry that you’ve had a hard time finding a hearing aid that will meet your needs. In the end, there seems to be one that works for you. So, what’s the problem? You’re only going to wear one pair.

TBH, I don’t understand your comment that 2-3 brands are “too sharp.”
Sharpness seems like something that your audiologist should be able to tune to your liking. Have you sought a second opinion?


Scotch is good. However, please have some for me
I quit about 35 years ago!

I’m still allergic to Scotch Tape It raises quite a rash on me.

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slightly larger than the tool.
Edit: I should note that I’m retired and do not need to communicate as one would need in their working life. The Real 1 105db receivers are discreet and satisfies my needs.


Sorry if I got a bit to harsh with my response.
Hearing aids are not a consumable thing, I can accept when people says buy another phone, or tv or laptop but on aids there is sometimes not a choice.

Each brand has his own sound and the way the are working. Phonaks>Signia>Starkey have sharpness that I don’t like, they also have the tendency to explode, e.g. when you clip your nail all three can bring this sound very loud sometimes like an explosion. The first sound is always very loud on Phonak and Siginia like: HEY what are you doing? IT’s a fantastic day! GOing for a ride?
I am trying the Genesis now for over a month they are not that sharp like Phonak/Signia but I feel not always comfortable with them, they have a metallic basic sound, car’s passing by with wush wush wush sound.
Resound and Oticon are much warmer in the sound, no sharpness, no exploding.

Hair dryer sound, test with music program, Genesi, metalic sound, Nexia, natural sound.
On the main program the metalic sound is not overlaying.

And now to the sharpness correction by the audiologist:
Phonak and Siginia are working with this sharpness, when you reduce this you will take away their strongest + in listening.
I see this with Starkey, I have some manual created programs
Normal: equalizer: +2 basses, +2 center, 0 heighs
Home: equalizer: +1 basses, +2 center, -1 heighs
Office: +1 volume, equalizer: +3 basses, +3 center, 0 heighs

In the Home program it’s ok, it’s less sharp but the comprehension is low, normal programm would be much better but it would make me aggressiv if my childrens are crying or screaming the whole time.
In the office where the noise level is low, I can use more volume to understand my colleagues, and Starkey is really good.

And yes at the end I have to decide the one that fits best for me.
Starkey Genesis even though they are metalic, sometimes exploding? because they are very good in noise? and because they have good battery pack?
Resound Nexia even though they are not that good like Genesis in noisy situation? but the sound is better and because they have 13 battery model?
Oticon Intent even thought their battery pack will not support me the whole day? but the sound is great for me? (it has to be tested first of course, maybe they are disappointing me)

Well Oticon has already disappointed me, every one has brought longer battery life, (Genesis, Nexia, Signia IX) but they come with lower battery life than the previous Real. A punch in everyones face that needs those aids. Oh yes they have speed up the charging, wow, maybe this is an option for people that have insomnia but normally when you are sleeping 6-8 hours the speed isn’t important.
When you are retired they are great for you, you mostly are at home, can recharge it when you do your nap but for workers there are sometimes no possibility to charge them during work;
you are single no problem charge it when you are at home, do you have family well then you took the ass card.
But when they are that good as they sound then I may be have not a choise to take them, hopefully they will bring the 13 battery model asap.

Just wondering: are you sure your aids weren’t in a program when they are so “directional”? I ask, cuz when I switched from Oticon to Phonak, the program lineup was different, and I found out I was actulally putting my aids INTO directional mode instead of default. DOH.

If your aids are too directional now, get in to see an audi to have that tinkered with. I agree: not being able to hear anything coming up from behind is SCARY. And that’s how I learned about my own issue with the new Phonak aids years ago.


Well, for sure … DON’T be drinkin’ it laddie! :upside_down_face:

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Wow! Thank you for such a detailed analysis. You have gotten into this much more deeply than I have. I’ll have to start paying more attention to the sounds. Much appreciated.

I had a similar problem with my NEW Phonak Lumity Life aids a couple years ago. It seems that the REM and other tests resulted in a setting that was absolutely horrific. Luckily, I’d had my previous audi tinker with the settings on my Phonak Marvel aids over a period of 4 years. They sounded exactly like how I want to hear.

So I had my new audi “copy & paste” the Marvel settings into the Lumity Life aids. VOILA! Transformation. I went from not being able to comprehend speech (flat, tinny, like sound over velum paper - VERY harsh!) to a mellow, rich, perfect sound quality for my listening. And that change in program settings enabled me to take advantage of Phonak’s claim about speech clarity. Now I’m SUPER happy with the Lumity Life aids, but desperately want them in battery format.

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Yes, this was also what I did the years before I took the Oticon, I always wanted Phonak because they sounds best for me, the first thing I had to do is to reduce the plate clattering or spoon in coffee cup noise etc… I tried the new Phonak Naida Lumity (BTE) I was surprised that these sounds weren’t that annoying, so they have learned something, but the 15+h batterylife is a no go for me and yes you can buy them also in battery format but I would like to stay on RICs.

Oticon was love at first sound.

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I wonder if anyone has any link to any Oticon technical paper about their new Sirius platform that’s used for the Oticon Intent. I find it odd that nothing is released on it, although I must admit that this is pretty new stuff so it may be released later in due time. Oticon has always had released technical papers on any new platform they introduced, from the Velox to the Polaris, although I don’t recall their derivatives like the Velox S (for the OPN S) or the Polaris R (for the Real).

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Hi Bluejay. Thankyou for your alert. Well, I have no options at all on my M70s! The audiologist went to some lengths to optimise for music - successfully, and the extended low end also helped with speech.
So I invited simplicity. But I am puzzled because she minimised directionality, again in the interest of music quality, and I’m thinking the settings may have drifted. Do you know if that can happen?

Something I discovered in a not so good instrument was a rather slow ‘attack’ time in the dynamic compression/limiting. So every sharp sound, including some voices, would start with a painful full-volume click regardless of the treble-end setup. As I have a small sound studio, I was able to couple the aid to a pickup mic (plasticine, what else?) and show the output trace to my audiologist. She saw the tall spikes, was genuinely surprised, and contacted the manufacturer, Signia, who did have a good conversation with her. The happy outcome is she found me a pair of Phonak M70s, which don’t noticeably ‘overshoot’.

I think Sirius is same platform as Polaris, but with some additions (accelerometer and 256 levels of DNN). So it is a “Polaris RS+” platform.

What does it mean don’t noticeably ‘overshoot’? Does it still but you can deal with it?
I have noticed that the Genesis are also overshooting a bit and I noticed that they are downgrading the loud sound after 8 seconds, to slow for me. This is annoying me more and more

I just trialed the Oticon Reals and almost got suckered into buying them 7k. The audi didn’t mention anything about a newer model coming out. ugh.