Oticon Announces Oticon Intent™, the World’s First Hearing Aid with User-Intent Sensors

I am excited that the Oticon Intents as well as the Philips 9050s will have LE Audio and Auracast. Maybe I can get working hands free & streaming on my Samsung Galaxy S23s. I want to try them.

How did you know? …

They posted about it.

Misunderstanding. I meant me. I didn’t know you had a real life example in mind.

I’m sure you would love to harp on anything negative about me so that you’d have something to say about it. If you say that I waste your time, I’ll reply that if you don’t agree with what I say, you can just tune me off and not read my posts. Why would you allow me to waste your time? As for saying that I waste people’s time, I respectfully say that please let people decide that on their own, you don’t need to decide it for them. They’re all adults here and they can determine who is wasting their time and who is not, and decide what to do about it. Furthermore, I’m just sharing my personal opinions here. I’m not here to try to convince anybody anything (like I said to you before already). So people who don’t like what I say (like yourself) can just ignore me. Don’t bother to reply and ask any questions because that would be wasting your time. But if you’re genuinely interested and want to engage and ask questions or debate in a civil way, I would be glad to respond.

If there are people who decide to evaluate the Oticon and fail to return them on time, they should also be adult enough to own that decision and not put the blame on anybody else but themselves. I have NEVER had anybody on this forum asking me personally, either in public posts or via PMs, whether I would recommend them to hold on to their Oticon trial past their evaluation period because I think their brain hearing hasn’t developed enough yet. I challenge you to point out to me who had said that and put the blame on me for recommending them to blow past their trial period in vain. You also don’t need to blame me on their behalf. They can speak for themselves if they want to blame me.

And lastly, I don’t know about you, but I need to use my brain to process what I hear. So brain hearing is always motoring on in my brain all day long, it’s not an option for me. With any hearing aid brand/model. But yes, Oticon aids initially (not anymore) made my brain hearing work harder in the beginning until I adapted, due to the overwhelmingly more sounds thrown at me. If your brain hearing never had to work harder for your Real initially, then I’m really glad for you.


Couldn’t find too much on the miniFit Detect speakers. The Philips 9050 Whitepaper says:

New miniFit Detect receivers support a wider frequency bandwidth, from <100 to 10,000 Hz, to give a fuller listening experience for entertainment and music; on top of that, they identify left or right side to make receiver replacements easier.

Edit: I see some discussion an a photo here: New Oticon Platform 2024? Intent/Encanta - #70 by firenzel

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I apologize for not specifying earlier that I was referring to my P1 and music program for my Oticon More :slight_smile:. Nevertheless, I hear @Neville’s point again whenever I step into a noisy environment with my music program; and I’ve learned a lot from this exchange. Thank you both!

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Well in the anouncment it was mentionet that there will be a 13 version, the question is when will it comes (1 month, 6 months?), atm only the rechargeable version are visible on the homepage.

A 13 version would make sense because I wonder how much more battery juice something like an accelerometer would suck up.

It would also be interesting to see if the Philips 9050 (which has been confirmed to have the accelerometer technology as well) will only have a battery size 13 version eventually as well.

They are lovely, my criticism is at a high level

At the moment it’s a three-way fight between Genesis, Nexia and Intent (not yet tested of course)

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no need for me to read on… till they get that fixed

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All I see is mention of a size 13 lithium-ion battery, which is the rechargeable one.

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I learned something new about micro accelerometers from the other Oticon Intent thread today. Thought I’d copy and share here. Perhaps they’re not the new energy hog I thought they might be.

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His head movements….:joy:

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oh ok then it seems that I haven’t read it correctly, but hope never dies

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I truly appreciate the posts you make and the care you take

I think that we get caught up in the wordsmith’s craft. They invent a term to market their gear then turn it loose to the clients.

I worked for 3M for 15 years. They would make tape in 5 foot rolls. Then they would shred and package it. Some of the tape was private labelled. Different cores. Different packaging. Same tape. Different vendors.

I think that hearing aids may the same, except they’re not made in 5 foot rolls and slit.


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Are you telling me my brand loyalty to Scotch is a lie?!? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


It’s not your loyalty to the tape that’s a lie…it’s just, the kilt is a deal breaker. Lose the kilt and your life will improve in oh so many ways!

The tape will still work as it did before, however. And your hearing will still be the same, too. Sorry.

Interesting @Neville, we Scots are not really brand loyal, when it comes to Whisky :tumbler_glass: basically as long as it is wet, then it’s drinkable :rofl: If I am honest, I prefer “Single Malt’s”… The Balvenie being my favourite, The Dalmore is another (Probably under 2 miles from my front door) and Oban Malt being my least favourite, but after about half a bottle, it started to taste just fine :rofl: :upside_down_face: :joy: Slainte Mhath


not all Scotts have a drinking hobby. its all in the usage of the brain. :yum:
Look at my audiogram. I use the 105 db receiver and I am amazed how well I’m doing in noise. I think my Reals help my brain along with all the visual cues to hear speech. It can be exhausting after hours of speech but it works. Thanks Oticon. :hear_with_hearing_aid:

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