Oticon $50 Rebate 2023 (for Real, More, Own, or Xceed) (USA only?)

Oticon has a $50 rebate on Oticon Real, Oticon More, Oticon Own, or Xceed hearing device(s) for purchases from January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. Seems to be USA only, but it doesn’t expressly state that.

Rebate Link (you will need your purchase date and serial numbers)

Terms and Conditions

Interesting but I kinda wonder why. I mean a few hundred bucks certainly. But for a new pair of aids that’s barely 1% discount

How is it different than $500 off a $50,000 car? It’s marketing dollars someone decided would be well spent.

I think it’s exactly the same and I personally have a hard time believing either would have any impact in someone purchasing either item. Hence my confusion. Perhaps others will think differently….

It is just a reward for “Registering” your new aids… so they can send you “Advertising” :thinking:

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Unusual that discounts would occur so soon. Kind of worries me with my upcoming Real purchase that Oticon will be coming out with a new platform earlier than the standard 2 year advances. With the advances in new chips that are more powerful more efficient and whatever new Ai or tech, that would be a boon to battery charge and computational power.

After reading the ToC, I’ll pass…

There’s about a 0.03% chance I’d ever see that $50 anyway. Rebates have a way of being denied or simply not being fulfilled.