Finally got 1.1 firmware for Intents… Audiologist had trouble with one of the aids… she couldn’t get it to turn back on…and the one that was turned on/updated showed that it was the “right” aid, when it was actually the “left” one… strangely , she does NOT have a charger in the office; she called Oticon and they just said to try putting it in charger to see if it would turn back on… So I had to go back home (luckily I don’t live that far) , grab my charger and the aid did turn back on, so she got them both updated… The connections seem WORSE - the aids still disconnect from the app - seems like ever more than before … yes, I did “forget” the aids in the phone (iphone) … last night I thought I’d try to “forget” them again, but they would NOT turn off using the buttons… I got a weird 4 tone sound that I’ve never heard before … I had to put them in the charger so they would unpair, then I was able to pair them again, but again, connectivity is VERY fussy … any ideas? full disclosure: I mainly got the 1.1 firmware so I could try out the FMA120 dongle to see if I could stream audio from my laptop (which does not support LE audio) … the dongle does work, but could that be what’s causing disconnect issues ? I can’t imagine it would, since I unplug the dongle when I’m not using it… Read somewhere that Companion update is coming ?soon? … is it possible it’s the app? TIA
I had that problem once with my INTENT1 aids, it was a few days ago. And my aids were updated back in December. My audiologist has been lead to believe that another firmware update is coming before May.
Thanks … Oticon Companion APP (iphone) was updated this morning to version 1.5 Wonder if the next firmware will address this issue? I asked audiologist about Auracast - maybe that’s the May update? audiologist thought that one might come through the app? I hope so, since it would be easier (and cheaper) for me …
Did you get a new update to your companion app. I have 1.4 as my companion app version since October.
Yes, I’ve been checking and it showed “update” this morning… 1.5 version… sorry I should have put that in the post… I updated it
I haven’t had that update available for my Samsung phone yet. What changed?
I put details in Facebook Oticon group, but app says: “offers improved reconnection process, faster start-up and better performance”… also, information about tinnitus program but I don’t have that so not sure
Mine were initially funny connecting again after the update with regards to streaming so had to unpair/ pair a few times then it’s been fine since. No issues with the sound itself.
I actually wish that our aids could be updated at home through the app. I sure is a pain to havevto go back to the clinic for tje updates. But my audiologist told me when he did the firmware for my INTENT aids that the process deleted all of the settings on the aids then did the update then reinstalled the settings.