Opn pairing with more than one device

im trialing oticon opns and paired them succesfully with my iphone and ipad.
On iphone i got sound to aids but on ipad it says something like it trying to take ownership of aids from other device and after that i got no sound in aids , its normaly in ipad speakers.
can someone help me?

If they are anything like ReSound you can only be paired to one device at a time.

try turning the Bluetooth off on your phone and see if the iPad will connect. If it does then you know it’s only
one at a time.

I am also in trial with the Opn miniRITE and wonder if anyone has tried to pair these with a Macbook Pro running MacOS Sierra V10.12.1 WITHOUT any use of iPhone interface? I have only a Samsung Galaxy S6 Global cell phone - no Apple iPhone of any kind - and can not seem to pair these aids with my everyday laptop. Feh. I can see when Bluetooth is turned ON on my laptop, it shows the Opn TV unit and a unit I have for standalone, wireless speakers. But there is not even a line item or any indication that these Opn aids “see” my laptop right in front of me.

I doubt even my aud-guy would have an answer to this question, but if anyone here has muddled through a similar situation - with NO iPhone - maybe there’s a way to pair these aids with my MacBook Pro? THANKS

I think you’re out of luck. I think it’s an issue of operating system. Opns are compatible with iOS 9.3 and later Bluetooth Hearing Aids | Oticon Your laptop uses a macOS. You could get an ipod touch or an ipad and have compatibility. Perhaps that would allow you to link to your laptop via one of those devices, but don’t know.

THANK YOU! That is a very interesting suggestion about using the iPad - which I actually DO have! I will have to put this to the test and report back …
Much obliged!

Also with a MBP with Sierra. Mine does support BLE (Check your System Profiler). Like you, I do not see them listed in the BT preferences list.

Check out this link Hearing Aid Forum - Active Hearing Loss Community where the OP figured out a workaround to switch back and forth more easily between the iPhone and iPad by turning off Bluetooth to relinquish connection from the other device to avoid contention with the current device. But you can turn Bluetooth back on right away of the relinquished device so you won’t forget.