OK to wear KS10 while sleeping?

Is it OK to wear my Costco KS10 hearing aids overnight while sleeping?

I’m trying to find something to muffle the sound of snoring, and I know I can buy ear plugs, but I find that when I turn the volume down to the lowest setting and mute my hearing aids, that shuts out a lot of noise. Just wondering if this can be a solution, or if there are reasons not too.

I would charge them before going to bed. Not sure how much charge would be lost overnight.


Maurice Frank

Personaly, I wouldn’t go that route but would rather use some good earplugs, foam or otherwise. There are good plugs on the market. I’ve worked in high-noise areas like the diesel generator rooms at nuclear plants and flying as a pilot, so I’ve had chances to use good ones.

The reason I would opt for plugs: there’s a good chance that I would become so used to sleeping with the aids in that I would wander into the shower with them on in the morning. Beyond that, I don’t like the thought of depriving the little speakers on the end of the stalk on each aid some time to dry out after having been in a humid ear for a very long time (collectively) over the course of 24 hours.
And, you are effectively doubling the number of charging cycles on the batteries. On top of all that, I would think the ears might get a bit ticked off at us if subjected to near constant intrusion from the hearing aid,

That advice and a well-funded Starbucks card will get you coffee and not much else. But that’s my take on your issue. And all of this presupposes its bad form to stifle the individual who is snoring.


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I would not go that route for fear I could damage the aids during my sleep. Also, I can not stand to even nap with the aides in my ears. They hurt when pressure is put on them from, for instance, the pillow.

May I suggest Bose Sleepbuds? I find them comfortable to sleep with, they are somewhat noise-isolating and also play a masking noise (you can select from a couple-dozen). I have been using them for a few years now, have two sets (one for travel, one for home). My wife likes that she doesn’t have to listen to a noise machine, and I like that they have an alarm feature that only I will hear.