Offer More Emoji For Voting on A Forum Post or Thread

The other forums I frequent offer a variety of emojis to “like” a post with. Hearing Tracker only offers the heart emoji. While I appreciate that a limited choice helps avoid the possibility of negative “likes” or mocking “likes,” I think it would be possible to offer a wider gamut of positive emoji. The Microsoft Flight Simulator forum is also a Discourse software-based forum and they’ve instituted a handful of emoji, some of which are only appropriate to an aircraft simulator/gaming forum. Maybe we could have a discussion in this thread about what additional emoji forum members might like to have available on Hearing Tracker. I’d be for the “really love” emoji (hearts in emoji eyes), a grinning or mildly amused emoji to indicate humor appreciation (but not an ROFL emoji, more likely to be used in a negative way), and a “sad” emoji to indicate empathy with someone who has had a bad experience.

Here are the MSFS emoji, just to indicate that Discourse forum offers a choice:


There should be a “frustrated” emoji available because that’s a common emotional state for hearing aid users!

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How about “beating my head against the wall?”

More seriously…good idea.
Way back I bought a clone of the earliest PC’s. I ran flight simulator. Loved it. Until I would land with gear up, after hours of real time simulation. A work friend has shown me how much the simulation has improved.

I always wanted to fly. I have in a friends 172. However, he took off and landed.

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