Oasis NXT cannot find Noahlink wireless device

I want to configure my hearing aids. I downloaded software Oasis NXT. I bought Noahlink wireless device. However, Oasis NXT cannot see the device. How to solve this problem?

what Bernafon heaing aid models do you want to connect to OasisNXT?

What windows/version are you using, Noahlink wireless is plug and play, do you get the green led flash when you plug it in to the USB port, also don’t use a USB hub.
Sometimes you need to reinstall/update the driver for Noahlink wireless, try it here.


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bernafon viron 9 miniRITE

Those should be ok with the Noahlink wireless, is Noahlink working now? You could use others programming device like a HiPro and cables with flex connectors.

They were released 2019, what version of Oasis are you using.

I tried reinstalling the driver, that helped! The software can see Noahlink Wireless. Thank you so much!

I have one more problem: the device can’t find my hearing aids. What I tried:

  1. Turning off wifi and moving all devices into flight mode.
  2. Moving the Noahlink Wireless device closer to me
  3. Turning off and on my hearing aids and trying to find them in the software.

Didn’t help

Hold up, for connection you need to turn off all other Bluetooth devices and be sure your HAs are not connected to your iPhone (or anything else for that matter)

They are not connected. I pointed out that I moved all devices in my house to flight mode.

Oh yeah it’s just I seen you mentioned WiFi and not Bluetooth, so can you confirm your models are listed in your Oasis version.

I resolved the issue with connectivity. For some reason now it works. Thank you so much!