Noahlink Wireless instruction

Just to be clear, here’s some content from DIY School - (v2.0);

Connexx Fitting Software has two different parts:

  1. The Connexx fitting software
  2. The Hearing Instrument/HI database

You need a SiFit HI database for Siemens/Signia HIs. You need a RexFit HI database for Rexton HIs. There are different versions (old/legacy and new/current) of each and you will usually find the two pieces you need together in one download. If you want this to work for Siemens/Signia HIs then install the version with SiFit HI database. If you want this to work for Rexton HIs then install the version with RexFit HI database.

Note that Connexx was rewritten as Connexx 8 (approximately 2016), therefore the Connexx 8 version is the demarcation between Old/Legacy and New/Current. You may encounter several different versions for each Legacy and Current Connexx’s. Generally you will want the last-Legacy-version or the latest-Current-version depending on your hearing instrument. Connexx 8 also added an updater in your Windows Sys Tray to keep the software current. However, an updater glitch stopped Connexx 8.5.3 from receiving further updates via the updater, so you may have to manually get past that specific version. Note that there are other (more obscure) Connexx versions (Hansaton, Electone, Miracle Ear, etc).

If you want Legacy/Connexx to work for both (Siemens/Signia and Rexton) then install both legacy versions. After installing both, you will end up with two HI databases and one Legacy/Connexx6 that you can choose which HI database you want to use by using a Pulldown menu for Manufacturer and then select SIEMENS or REXTON. Though, for New/Current Connexx you will end up with two HI databases and two separate Connexx’s. The Old/Legacy and New/Current versions for Rexton and Signia can all be installed to co-exist together.

At this time the versions are;

  • Rexton Connexx 6.5.5/RexFit6.8.4 for Older/Legacy
  • Rexton Connexx 9.7.0/RexFit9.7.0 (or latest) for Newer/Current
  • Connexx6.5.5/SiFit6.10 for Signia older/legacy
  • Connexx7.5.2/SiFit7.5.1 for Signia intermediary/legacy. The hearing aid names are (Carat bx, Pure bx, Pure mi, Ace bx, Ace mi, Motion bx, Motion mi, Life mi, Aquaris mi, Insio bx, Insio mi, Nitro mi, Orion 2, Orion, Sirion 2, Sirion). Note: This special intermediary version has an Updater but there are no updates for this version so you might as well choose the (do not activate Update Manager) option. Also this special intermediary version cannot co-exist with the Newer/Current version described immediately below.
  • Connexx9.8.0/SiFit9.8.0 (or latest) for Signia Newer/Current.