NHS hearing aids quandary


Need a bit of advice. I was initially tested in my 30’s, after working as a pro musician with the beginnings of noise related hearing loss. I didn’t need hearing aids at the time and carried on working until my early 40’s when I switched career. A couple of years ago I had my hearing tested at my local hospital and was diagnosed with mild to medium hearing loss in the upper frequencies and was given a pair of oticon engage hearing aids.

I have moved in the last couple of years to another health authority and despite asking to remain under the same hospital for my hearing, was transferred to my local hospital who use Danalogic aids.

A couple of weeks ago I had another hearing assessment at the new hospital and the audilogist initially looked at my old audiogram and said a prescription wasn’t really needed for the amount of hearing loss it showed, but he retested my hearing and my new audiogram showed a dip at 4k into moderate loss and said I had noise related hearing loss. Plus the rest of my audiogram showed I started with above average hearing and therefore the loss was more noticeable for me. He programmed a new pair of Danalogic Ambeo Smart and sent me on my way.

I don’t find the Danalogic very good as I get lots of feedback and they are useless for phone calls and wind noise (despite having wind reduction).

I could ask my old hospital to put me back on their list and potentially ask them to reprogram the Oticons with the new audiogram or persevere with the Danalogic and maybe ask for an appointment to fine tune them.

Anyone with experience of both aids advise on whether the Oticon are much better than the Danalogic as has been hinted by different audiologists or any other advice?


I don’t have experience of either of those two aids but in a case I can say that you should certainly go back to your present hospital and get the feedback sorted out - there is no good reason for accepting that. Also mention the wind noise and phone calls issue because those may well be capable of adjustment.

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I have Oticon engage and never have had any issues at all. My mum has Danalogic and are awful hers squeal and and have had to get them replaced many times.Danalogic are a cheap remake of Resound where as Oticon engage are genuine Oticon Opn 2.


That’s the feeling I am getting about them too. Hospital have a waiting list of 2 months to have them adjusted