Next-generation solid-state battery for hearing aids

TDK’s technology is aimed at a solution that can be utilized in various wearable devices, such as wireless earphones, hearing aids and even smartwatches, with the goal of replacing existing coin cell batteries.


I was wondering when this would appear @Spindel, I commented a few times on this forum about Solid State batteries would most likely be the next big thing in hearing aids… I wouldn’t be the little bit surprised if Phonak are planning a solid state battery for their next iteration in August /September? We shall see, no doubt… Cheers Kev :wink:


I suspect you’re way ahead of yourself in hopes for Phonak. There’s a long ways between research and actual products.


That’s interesting.
The thoughts of safer and longer lasting batteries are definitely a plus for hearing devices.
Thanks for sharing.

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Mibeeze Aye, Mibeeze Naw, as we say in Scotland @MDB (Maybe Yes, Maybe No) :upside_down_face: I was just thinking out loud, Solid State Batteries are due to be released in 2027 (Allegedly) initially for EV’s, but research has been going on for some time, no doubt Phonak, like all the other major manufacturers will be looking at Solid State Batteries or something similar? Someone on this forum said, they had insider information of a something big happening with the next iteration of Phonak Aids, they couldn’t say what, so I am guessing, it may be a new form of battery? As always, YMMV… Cheers Kev :wink: