New user/issue with Signia hearing aids turning off when I open apps on my phone

Hello! I just got my first pair of hearing aids yesterday. They are connected to the app on my phone and all is well.

First of all, I wear BiCros HA’s. My Cros aid is the left and my hearing aid is the right. I enjoy using apps on my phone and I play several games daily. My phone is Samsung S23 Ultra.

I noticed that when I open a game, and some other apps, that I immediately lose the left (Cros) hearing aid. If I open the hearing aid app, you can see that the left one has turned off, but it turns on while you are looking at it because you made that the primary app. It’s like the hearing aid app is not running correctly in the background. It is only the Cros one that turns off.

That said, the aids are Signia under the name of TruHearing. The app is also TruHearing, but was told it is exactly like the Signia app. I dont understand ASHA(?) or LE?.

Anyone else with this issue? Thx!