New to Tinnitus

Have had Tinnitus since October but have really started to focus on it’s behavior. Some weeks it’s not to bad than other times it’s like someone is turning a knob in my ear, swishes around, tone of the frequency changes. Can pulsate. Is all this apart of tinnitus.

I’ve got my first hearing aid fitting with the NHS Tuesday and will probably go private after this to get tinnitus app etc

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I’ve had tinnitus since early 80’s Hearing aidsfor 20+ years. Two months ago I had it turned on in my Paradise hearing aids

Tinnitus is awful. More I think of it the worse it gets. It’s a stress indicator for me. I found the masking ocean waves sound horrible too. I had it turned off before I left.

Hope this helps. I try to work on relaxing when tinnitus gets to me. Works sometimes

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I have had tinnitus since Thanksgiving 1975, I have learned to push it to a compartment in the far back of my brain and not to even think about it. Sure it comes forward if I am in a very quiet place but if i am wearing my aids i don’t pay it any attention and it goes back in that compartment. I don’t use the tinnitus program or tinnitus apps because they are even worse. I stay busy so i don’t have time to think about it.