New Phonak Lumity hearing issues

When I first put on the Phonak Lumity Life aids after REM and audiogram determined the program I GUFFAWED! The sound quality was near AWFUL. That started a dialog with my very flexible audiologist, and we ended up transferring the Marvel setting over to the Lumity Life - and fuggedabout anyone else’s perspective on how I should be hearing.

Immediately, I was in HEAVEN! Not only did I get the rich, full sound of the old Marvels (thanks to the settings I’d refined over the years wearing them), but I got the speech clarity improvement of the Lumity Life. A beautiful marriage! I’m super happy with my Lumity Life aids, which are excellent hearing in quieter settings. In LOUD places, they do a good job of compensating for the surrounding noise, but half the time I end up putting them into “Speech in LOUD Noise” program. And even that isn’t perfect, but gets me to hear about 90% of what’s being said at a table in a restaurant.

I’ll never forget that initially, with the original settings in those Life aids, I also could not understand anyone talking in just about any setting. It’s like the higher freqs were emphasized and sound was thin and harsh. Almost every word spoken, I’d cringe from the knuckle-wrap explosion in my ear.

It’s a process to get aids tuned to how you want to hear your world. Since it’s OUR brain + ear connection, WE have to be able to articulate what we like and don’t like about the sound quality until it sounds just right.