New Oticon Real 1 minirite R - won't charge or connect

Hello all,

I just got my new Oticon Real 1 minirite R pair of Hearing aids.

Once I opened the clear packaging was not sure the left or the right, then I noticed 2 little plastic sticks red and blue on each of the HA package propably to leave a piece of color red for right and blue for left as marker.

I did pushed both batteries tray inside to close them as I didn’t notice any plastic label that I need to pull or remove.

Then I pushed the lower button for 3 secs light turned yellow, then pushed it again then turned green.

I put a speaker receiver with a dome on one of them, ( right speaker with 8mm Dome single vent ) then pressed the lower button and heard like welcome tone 3 or 5 secs.

I have a Oticon intent desktop charger.
I put both HA on the charger while a green light on the back of the charger.

But no light on HA even if I tried to push the buttons 30 secs and tried different ways to drop them into the charger but no go.

Same goes if I wanted to connect the Genie Oticon App to program the HA.
I created a new client and added all my audiometry data.
I’m able to detect the Noahlink wireless and when I select it can’t connect to HA.
The Noahlink Wireless no light left or right…
Even though, when plugged into my laptop I see that both green lights turn on for 2 secs and turn off on top of the Noahlink wireless.

Maybe I missed something and did not activate the battery or missed a part when I was pushing the battery tray in.

Just side notes I couldn’t reopen the battery trays back…

Just learning !

Thank you for your inputs

Did you buy the Real 1 as a DIY with no help from an HCP?

Why would you charge the Real 1 in an Oticon Intent charger? They’re not compatible. Did your Real 1 not come with its own desktop charger? How did you get the Intent charger, did you buy it separately specifically for the Real 1?

Did you buy the rechargeable version of the Real 1 or the disposable battery version? Once you close the battery door on the rechargeable version, you’d need a special tool to reopen it.

You might not be able to connect the rechargeable version of the Real 1 to Genie 2 via the Noahlink Wireless is that battery is not full and you cannot recharge it because you have the incompatible Oticon Intent charger.

Are you planning to do everything as a DIY? If you plan on DIY, you should have really spent more time understanding the fundamental difference that the Intent accessories for charging, as well as receivers, are not compatible with the older generations of Real and More.


Hello Volusiano,

Thank you so much for your reply and feedback and for taking the time to ask all the above questions:
Please see my answers below:

I purchased the Oticon Real 1 minirite R online from UK / Ebay
The HA were purchased as New Item and they came in with all the starter Kit ( Wax guard and some domes ) I purchased speaker receivers separately.

I purchased these HA rechargeable ( Oticon Real 1 minirite R )
I have the model number C090 Ref # (240) 25595 on both packaging

I understood that I need the little tool to push back the battery door once they are closed
I will have now to purchase a charger for my HA Oticon real 1 minirite R to make sure that I have a working chargeable device

Yes I’ll be doing this as DIY thanks to the great community of the hearing aids ( Hearing Tracker Golden Members ), I will start by ordering a charger for my HA first then will post some feedback

I’m very grateful for all your feedbacks !

Kndest regards,