New Oticon Platform 2024? Intent/Encanta

I would like how is it different did they went from recording 12 million sound sources to 20???

cause those 2.0 doesn’t say anything

My eyes go to the “35% more access to speech cues than Oticon Real.” What they seem to be saying in their videos is that this new product will enable users to process multiple speakers in the soundscape simultaneously. There might only be a 15% improvement in speech comprehension with any given speaker, but in the past the sound processing could only be done for one speaker at a time. If the there is now the capacity to deal with multiple speakers, that is a game changer.

Also the fact that these upgrades are being stated as compared to the Real, that is very significant because it is a comparison with their own top-of-the-line equipment. So often these claims are based on a “comparison with other leading brands” - whoever they might be, but obviously chosen to give the claimant the best possible comparison. We know what the Real is capable of, so this kind of improvement is significant even if it’s just 10-15%.


But can your brain process multiple speakers at once? The brain of those with hearing loss has its limitations.

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20 million for what?

i assume that user246 is talking about the DNN 2.0 training with 20 million sound sources

:rofl::rofl:. Yes. Only last year The Resound Nexia was a 150% improvement. What was the baseline to start off with?

In all seriousness, I know they have to whip up some excitement to get people to buy new aids, but in a world full of measurements and tests, there doesn’t seem to be an easily understood consumer benchmark, against each affected group, mild/moderate/severe/profound etc, that states the effectiveness of an aid in real world situations - quiet/noise etc. Although I do know there are tests that are conducted in studies and research papers.

Hearing Tracker are trying to do this to be fair but the industry as a whole doesn’t seem that transparent.

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I must have missed it, but where were 20 million reported?

Well, it doesn’t work like that, does it? Regardless of what the percent of improvement is, you never get to 100%.


best comment ever :joy::joy::joy:


The new Sirius platform indicates to me this is a chip upgrade (New design) from the Polaris chip that is used in More and Real HA.

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The version 1 of the Oticon DNN was trained on only 2 million around scenes, not 12 like it was mentioned. I think the 12 to 20 was just probably arbitrarily thrown out for jest without trying to be accurate.

The source of the 2 million sound scenes for the original DNN training can be found in the Oticon technical white paper for the MoreSound Intelligence, which is the name they give for the DNN.

I haven’t seen any new white paper for the Intent yet, so I don’t know what the DNN 2.0 has over the DNN 1.0.


It’s kinda weird how Oticon now separates out MoreSound Intelligence from the DNN. The DNN is inside the MoreSound Intelligence technology and there are indeed a few other features beside the DNN as part of the MoreSound Intelligence. But there has been no indication that the MoreSound Intelligence on the Real is called 2.0 (assuming that the MoreSound Intelligence in the More is 1.0).

The assumption is that the Real is only different from the More with the 2 new features for sudden sound and wind management. Now it seems to imply that the Real MoreSound Intelligence technology is better than the More’s, which is something new not revealed until now to me


I think 2.0 is on the Intent.

I know that 2.0 is on the Intent (DNN 2.0). What I was saying is that if MoreSound Intelligence 3.0 is on the Intent, then MoreSound Intelligence 2.0 must be on the Real (and consequently MoreSound Intelligence 1.0 is on the More). But I didn’t get any impression at all that MoreSound Intelligence is any different between the More and the Real at all.


Got it. Thanks, Volusiano.

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The 57% improvement in output before feedback ‘could’ be 2dB.

In terms of power 3dB is technically a doubling of output (though humans don’t be necessarily appreciate this change in intensity the same) so 57% would appear to be about 2/3 of that.


Can anybody update Oticon Genie to 2024.1? I can’t.

my updater says “no updates”, running 2023.2

what version r u running?

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I have 2023.2 version too. So update is unavailable yet.

Same here, no updates available yet, can’t be far away with the intent release available now.

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