New Oticon hearing aids coming soon?

Yesterday my audi told me that the Oticon rep had requested a personal meeting with him next week. The audi said that that might indicate that Oticon was about to release new HAs. I checked, and the current Oticon Intents were released in February of 2024. This would seem to me to be a very short time interval between new product releases. Has anyone heard anything about new Oticons?

This is of interest to me because I am in the middle of a trial of Phonak Infinio Spheres. I trialed the Intents, and they were a slight improvement on my current Mores, but not enough to justify the out-of-pocket expense of buying them.

My audi has been unable to get trial Spheres from Phonak, so I bought them outright in December in order to take advantage of an insurance benefit in calendar year 2024, with the proviso that I could return them for a full refund within 45 days. Now I have been switched to a new insurance plan, and I was pleased to be told that I could get another insurance benefit in 2025.

The Spheres are a major improvement in speech-in-speech-noise, as I expected them to be, but they sound unnatural to me. When I put on my Oticon Mores I feel like the world sounds normal again. The best of both worlds would be the natural sound of the Oticons with the background noise reduction of the Spheres.

I am hoping that new Oticons would give me that. I’m wondering if Oticon is speeding up their product release cycle in order to keep up with Phonak’s speech-in-noise breakthrough.


Might be an upgrade to the AI Intent platform, but there’s definitely also latitude for an upgrade to the Own and the Power aids too.


GN is also releasing a new model soon as well, should be interesting to see what their products are offering this year.

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My money would be on one of these over a newer ric product. But I also don’t bet for reasons…


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I guess it will be Intent with different forms - custom and miniBTE

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Yes I think so! And maybe some new accessories! Easy LE Adapter?