The way mine are configured a long press changes programs. Short press is volume. Maybe that is something you HCP put in for you?
The way mine are configured a long press changes programs. Short press is volume. Maybe that is something you HCP put in for you?
Long press up: changes program
Long press down: mutes both HA
This is the setting by default.
If it’s not that way, your audi can change it in Target for you.
I haven’t noticed much difference so far, but it’s only been 2 weeks, and not using the app much, as my Audi programed my ha’s pretty close to my needs. I was curious just the same as to battery life, I use the T13’s, 9 to 10 days of on time with 35hrs of streaming.
Just had the Easy Line app (iPhone, iOS 17 public beta) offer me stay connected. Great that there’s ongoing support and development going on for KS 10 users. Be interested to see how this performs adds what impact it has on battery life.
And Sonova…Costco…how about it, why not get the band back together…?
I enabled it and i dont really see any difference in battery life. It does stay a little more connected and still lasts to midnight or later (they outlast me).
I find no major difference in battery life with it enabled. Still get 6 days out of size 13 batteries in Naida M90 SP.
I have Sky M70 SP, which is really Naida M70 SP.
They use size 13. Size 10 batteries are tiny.
Sorry my goof up. Should be 13