New Firmware Oticon real 1.1.1

After updating genie it showed a new real update

Oticon Genie 2 has a new update
Build 22.53.85
ULG 24.1-2831

Still looking the differences….

I haven’t found any improvements so far. Oticon will probably come up with an update on the specific changes.

Thank you

My Real’s are at 1.1.0. I’ve been having trouble with notifications being heard in my hearing aids. I talked to Apple and they told me to make sure the firmware is at the latest. Thanks for posting, at least I know there is an update. Hopefully, it will fix the notifications

When updating Genie says under What Is New that 1.1.1 provides “General updates for improved connectivity and performance.”

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Notifications are because of your phone settings not the hearing aid firmware version

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The problem is intermittent. When the notifications fail, I can restart my iPhone and it seems to work again. So far, it hasn’t failed again in several days. I will call Apple again but want to make sure my aids are at the latest revision. I see my audiologist this Thursday, June 6

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I agree on keeping the firmware updated on the aids. But there isn’t anyway the aids can do anything but receive the incoming notifications. It is the iPhone apps that send the notification or not.

The communication between them is BT so there is the potential for a problem with either one

What happens id instead of restarting the phone you restarted the aids. This could tell us if it is the phone or aids. If restarting the aids doesn’t fix it then it is a phone issue more than likely.