New Firmware ( available for Phonak Lumity

Greetings -

I went to my audi today, and while she was in the midst of making some changes for me to my Phonak Lumity Life 90’s, she was prompted to install a new firmware update - Version She did not know what issues the new update addressed - wonder if anyone is familiar with what the new version includes.

Most appreciated!


Thanks for posting!
I shall follow to see if it applies to my Paradise P90R’s

I updated my lumity life to All it said was fixed bugs. I didn’t see (or hear) any difference

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OK! This JUST in from my audi’s. I had to go there for a minor fix on a pair of aids and my timing was perfect cuz that new firmware update is indeed out as of 6th Dec. Here’s what the screen said after she installed it:

  • Improved Bluetooth connectivity with several devices in parallel
  • More reliable operation in cold temperatures
  • More stable connectivity with Roger WallPilot

And there you have it! So if you haven’t had your Life aids updated, go DO it.

Also, my audi said that a few HA makers are now enabling users with phone apps to download and install these updates themselves! But, Phonak is not there yet …


Does anyone know if this firmware update v1.0.9.0 also applies to Marvels?

I kinda DOUBT it, cuz my audi knows I have Marvels and she didn’t say a thing about them. They are about 5 yrs old now, battery operated, and NOT under any warranty. If your aids are as old, I’m not even sure Phonak bothers with firmware updates for aids that are that old?

Not related, but today’s Lumity Life firmware update adds stability to the Roger WallPilot. Never even heard of that till I surfed up and found out what it is and what it does. COOOOL!


My L90-Rs delivered in mid-September had been updated by the provider to

Be sure it’s the release from 12/6 - or maybe different audis get the notification at different times?

I don’t get the sense that Phonak keeps audis informed in a timely manner of these updates … and FORGET about us users! We are the last to ever know IF our aids are due for these updates. Beyond puzzling, cuz each one is developed to address USER issues. :expressionless:

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I last updated mine several weeks ago. I just checked, and they’re already on

Updated firmware from to

Could somebody check what is the latest firmware version for the P90-RL? Thanks in advance!

I’m not sure about P90 but I own a pair of KS 10 that was also updated to latest firmware,(which was released in Sep 2023 as per google search)

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P90-R is version

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Ah, yes, my Phonak Audéos updated to the same firmware version. I just had some trouble with the Target software. I used v. 8.1, because the update to v. 9 would not start under Windows 10 for some reason. It now updates to v 9.05, and that version opens without problems. Only the latest Target version proposes the firmware update.

I only find out here

My dispensing audiologist would learn from me and call Phonak to confirm


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