New FDA-approved device offers relief for tinnitus sufferers

I hope this vidieo link works? I wonder anyone here have any experience with this procedure?

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I taught myself decades ago how to manage my tinnitus.
I have had tinnitus since Thanksgiving 1975, it is 24/7/365. I taught myself to compartmentalize my tinnitus. In other words I don’t think about it, I don’t focus my thoughts on it if I thought about it or focused on it i could not have worked or survived this long.


Went to an audiologist who specializes in tinnitus.
She wanted me to consider the device.
They claim to have I believe an 80 percent success rate.
She also said it was 4000.00.
Medicare and insurance will not pay for it.
She gave me some other good advice in following.


Great advise.

More I’m stressed the more T bothers me.

It’s a signal to chill out


The key for me is staying busy never allowing myself to be in a quiet environment. I sleep with a sound machine on. I keep a sound machine app on my phone for use, now that i have my INTENT1 aids I actually enjoy classical music. Or listening to audiobooks.

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I guess no one has any experience with this device.

I started with Lanier over a year ago. It has helped me tremendously. The volume of the sound has not gone down when I am consciously aware of it, but the thing is, I don’t notice it like I used to. It has nearly been a lifesaver for me.

I am going to ask my VA audiologist about this.

I am going to ask my VA clinic also. I read on the internet that it is a VA approved device and process.

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You caught my attention…Lanier used to? sell dictation equipment. Is it Lanire? instead?

I really appreciate you bringing this up…I’ve had T. for a long long time. I used to say it was like high school orchestras tuning up in my ears. Except they were competing for most out of tune, playing random notes. If I let it bother me it gets worse and worse.

The masking available in my hearing aids is worse; it tried it for a couple of minutes and had it turned off. It’s objectionable noise masked by louder even more objectionable noise.

T. It’s as if it gets louder as my hearing gets worse.


I spoke to one of the audi’s at the Tulsa Okla. clinic about the device. She said it is only avalible in Phonix, Seattle, & Boston at this time but she belives it is going to be approved across the VA sustem. She said she will make a note to call me if it becomes avalible here.

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